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Sam Witwer Explains Why This Is the Best Star Wars Scene Ever

Sam Witwer Explains Why This Is the Best Star Wars Scene Ever

Which battle in Star Wars do you think is the best?

There are so many iconic moments, but for me, nothing tops the final rematch between Obi-Wan Kenobi and Maul on Tatooine in Star Wars: Rebels. 

The more I rewatch it, the more I realize the greatness of Obi-Wan as a Jedi Master.

Despite Maul’s relentless pursuit over the years, Obi-Wan remains calm and centered, embodying the wisdom and restraint of a true Jedi. 

But here’s the thing—there’s more depth to this scene than meets the eye, and it’s something that was recently revealed by Sam Witwer, the voice actor for Maul, which adds an entirely new layer of meaning to this brief yet powerful duel.

Let’s see what Sam Witwer explains.

Sam Witwer on Darth Maul & Obi-Wan Kenobi Battle from Star Wars Rebels “Twin Suns”

Darth Maul vs Obi-Wan | Star Wars Rebels | Disney XD

We all know how the final battle between Obi-Wan and Maul ended, but have you ever wondered why Obi-Wan shifted his lightsaber stance during the duel?

I used to think that Obi-Wan was just warming up before the battle like an old Jedi getting ready to stretch before a workout! But it turns out there’s way more going on than that.

Sam Witwer explains it in a way that gives so much depth to this moment.

Sam Witwer revealed that this battle wasn’t about flashy lightsaber moves or physical strength—it was more like “a chess move.” 

Every action in the duel was calculated and deliberate. 

When Maul ignites his double-bladed lightsaber, Obi-Wan initially adopts an aggressive stance, reminiscent of his younger, more brash self. 

This is where the duel starts to get interesting. Witwer explains that Obi-Wan quickly realizes that this isn’t a typical duel—this is Maul, his old enemy, and their battle has always been more than just lightsabers. 

So, Obi-Wan switches to the defensive Form III stance, a style he’s known for—focusing on patience and defense. 

But the real brilliance comes when Obi-Wan changes his stance yet again, adopting the form used by his former master, Qui-Gon Jinn. 

This subtle shift is key. By doing this, Obi-Wan draws Maul into repeating the exact same move he used to defeat Qui-Gon years earlier. Maul, blinded by his rage, falls into the trap. 

He swings aggressively, just like in The Phantom Menace, planning to strike Obi-Wan with the hilt of his saber, just as he did with Qui-Gon.

But this time, Obi-Wan is ready. Anticipating Maul’s move, Obi-Wan bypasses his defense and strikes a fatal blow, ending the battle once and for all.

To make it easier for you to compare, here’s a side-by-side of the fights so you can see the similarities for yourself.

Darth Maul vs Qui Gon and Dath Maul vs Obi Wan Side by Side Comparison

For Sam Witwer’s full breakdown of Obi-Wan’s lightsaber form changes, you can watch the complete review below.

Sam Witwer on Darth Maul & Obi-Wan Kenobi Battle from Star Wars Rebels "Twin Suns"
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