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Why Yoda Believed Luke Was The Last Jedi Despite So Many Order 66 Survivors?

Why Yoda Believed Luke Was The Last Jedi Despite So Many Order 66 Survivors?

After Order 66, only a few Jedi remained, including survivors like Ahsoka Tano, Kanan Jarrus and Ezra Bridger. 

However, in Yoda’s eyes, none of them were considered true Jedi. 

In Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi, Yoda tells Luke Skywalker that he will be the last Jedi after Yoda’s death. He says, “Luke, when gone am I, the last of the Jedi will you be.

But why is that? Even though there are still individuals like Ahsoka and Ezra, why does Yoda only consider Luke as the last Jedi?

The Young Jedi Who Weren’t Trained in the Jedi Way

The only known Jedi Padawan after Order 66 was Ezra Bridger, who was trained by his Jedi Master, Kanan Jarrus. 

However, Ezra becoming Kanan’s Padawan wasn’t under the official Jedi Order.

We know that when the Jedi Order wanted to recruit younglings, they had to pass a test using the Force to identify images from a handheld machine, like Anakin did when he first stood before the Jedi Council. 

But Ezra didn’t take the Jedi Initiate test when he was accepted by Kanan.

Additionally, there are indications that Yoda might not have fully accepted Ezra as a Jedi. In Star Wars Rebels, there’s a scene where Ahsoka and Ezra seek out Yoda through the Force. 

During this personal conversation, Ezra asks for Yoda’s guidance for the first time. 

However, after receiving Yoda’s words, it seems that Ezra doesn’t fully understand Yoda’s explanation of what it means to be a Jedi.

[Ezra talks with Yoda about the Past & Future of the Jedi] Star Wars Rebels Season 2 Episode [18]

Furthermore, Jedi trained after Order 66 are considered Bokken Jedi. 

The term “Bokken Jedi” was used by the fallen Jedi Baylan Skoll to describe Padawans who were taken on and trained after the fall of the Jedi Order. 

Skoll considered Ezra Bridger a Bokken Jedi, signifying the unofficial nature of their training, as it occurred outside the formal structure of the Jedi Order.

Another example is Ahsoka Tano. During her time with the Jedi Order, she chose to leave. 

So technically, it makes sense that Yoda wouldn’t consider Ahsoka a Jedi anymore since she left the Order and no longer follows its path.

Why Yoda Considers Luke the Last Jedi

Yoda’s training of Luke Skywalker on the swampy planet Dagobah is a pivotal part of the Star Wars saga. 

This training was not just about teaching Luke the ways of the Force, but also about instilling in him the principles of the Jedi Code.

The Jedi Code is a set of guiding principles that govern the actions and beliefs of the Jedi Order. 

It emphasizes discipline, self-control, and introspection, helping the Jedi maintain their devotion to the light side of the Force by rejecting the temptations of the dark side.

Empire Strikes Back Yoda Training Luke part 1 (HD)

During Luke’s training, Yoda focused on teaching him these principles. 

He wanted Luke to understand that being a Jedi was not just about wielding a lightsaber or using the Force; it was about the commitment to peace, justice, and the Jedi Code. 

Yoda taught Luke to control his emotions, seek knowledge over ignorance, and find harmony in the Force.

One of the most memorable lessons Yoda taught Luke was: “Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try.” 

This lesson encapsulates the essence of the Jedi Code, emphasizing commitment, determination, and belief in oneself and the Force.

Yoda also made sure to teach Luke about the dangers of the dark side.

He warned Luke not to give in to fear or anger, as these emotions could lead him down the path to the dark side. 

This was a crucial part of Luke’s training, as these very temptations had led Anakin Skywalker, Luke’s father, to become Darth Vader.

By the end of his training, Luke had not only learned to use the Force but had also internalized the principles of the Jedi Code. 

He learned to control his emotions, act with wisdom and justice, and use the Force for the good of others.