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The 10 Absolutely Disturbing Star Wars Lore Facts You Never Asked For

The 10 Absolutely Disturbing Star Wars Lore Facts You Never Asked For

Star Wars lore can be insightful, as in hidden facts about the Jedi. Yet, the franchise also has many facts that can shock us. From mildly to extremely disturbing, here are 10 lore facts you didn’t ask for. 

1. Luke’s Bad Drink

In A New Hope, when Luke goes to the bar in the Creature Cantina, he asks for “one of those.” We are not quite sure what the drink is but it appears the bartender, Wuher, takes one off the back counter and hands it to Luke. It may have been one of the pink-colored drinks that others have next to him, but maybe not. 

On the milder side of disturbing, this drink has at least been sitting out for some time and may have been bad-tasting fire-water. At worst, it’s a scary concoction that Luke does not truly want to know about. 

Star Wars: A New Hope - Luke Skywalker Enters the Cantina [CLIP] | TNT

2. Jabba’s Torture Droid

A specific droid at Jabba’s palace is rather disturbing. EV-9D9, or the Mistress of Mayhem, worked beneath the palace torturing other droids. This droid was originally “a peaceful moisture vaporator mechanic” but had a programming error that made her suitable to be reprogrammed into a torture machine. 

As head of cyborg operations, EV-9D9 managed the droids for Jabba and took pleasure in abusing them. This video elaborates on EV99’s disturbing behavior, which included dismembering droids. 

EV-9D9 Supervisor Droid (Star Wars)

3. Wookiee Scalps

Boba Fett was a feared bounty hunter, but he has adorned his outfit with Wookiee scalps. Based on the Bounty Hunters comics, Fett had a braided decoration composed of Wookiee scalps on his right shoulder to complement his Mandalorian armor. Before a fight between Fett and Chewbacca, Boba informs Chewie about this grisly detail. 

4. The Decraniated

The Decraniated servants of Doctor Cornelius Evazan are getting us into more disturbing terrain. Depicted in Solo, the Decraniated worked on the yacht of Crimson Dawn leader Dryden Vos’s yacht. They had been subjected to the cruel surgery of Evazan who removed big sections of their brains and became servants. 

5. Stormtroopers Shooting Each Other

In this famous scene when Vader and Luke reconcile before Vader dies, you can hear stormtrooper blasters in the background. This could mean they were firing upon one another to get to escape pods.

That’s one theory that has been discussed concerning what happened before the demise of the second Death Star. If true, it would be a disturbing detail to add to Star Wars lore.

Star Wars VI - Darth Vader's Death Scene

6. The Hutts Eat People

As slug-like creatures, the Hutts are already rather disturbing. What adds more to it, though, is how the Hutts can “open their jaws to miraculous widths,” allowing them to eat a “grown humanoid.” Their large wormish bodies were unappealing but they are also outright deadly. 

Fans have pointed out the Jabba the Hutt comic where this gruesome act is captured. 

7. Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru’s Deaths

As another fan has commented, “you don’t have to look further than the first film” to find disturbing content in Star Wars. The scene with Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru’s corpses is something we should remember, or try to forget. 

8. Brain Worms

Stars Wars is replete with strange and scary creatures, such as the Rancor and Sarlacc pit. Yet, the Geonosian Brain Worm is especially “creepy.” These worms can go into someone’s brain and control their bodies, making them “a troubling parasite” to say the least. They can also reanimate dead bodies, raising the possibility of a zombie army, as depicted in The Clone Wars. 

9. Abeloth, Bringer of Chaos

This article also comments on the terror of the Geonosian zombies but also directs our attention to Abeloth. Known by several names like the Bringer of Chaos, Abeloth has a terrifying appearance that adds to Star Wars lore. Moreover, this “goddess turned cosmic horror” could be the largest threat to the galaxy. 

10. B’omarr Monks

The B’omarr monks are a final disturbing lore item for this list. With their brains in a clear round container beneath spider droids, these disembodied monks may have achieved enlightenment. Yet, they definitely add a startling aspect to the Star Wars universe.