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The Heartbreaking Event That Made Commander Wolffe’s Armor Changed From Red to Gray

The Heartbreaking Event That Made Commander Wolffe’s Armor Changed From Red to Gray

If you’ve ever read the canon comic series Star Wars Adventures: Clone Wars - Battle Tales, you’ll see Commander Wolffe in his original red armor. However, in the Star Wars: Clone Wars series, we saw Wolffe’s armor in a completely different color.

It’s not bad writing—there are reasons behind it.

During the Battle of Abregado, depicted in the Clone Wars series, Commander Wolffe and Jedi General Plo Koon led the 104th Battalion, known as the Wolfpack, against General Grievous’ warship, the Malevolence. This battle took place in the Abregado system, where the Republic fleet encountered the Separatist’s new superweapon. The Malevolence’s powerful ion cannon disabled the Republic ships, leaving them defenseless against the turbolaser barrage. The entire fleet was obliterated, resulting in the loss of most of the 104th Battalion. Only a few managed to escape in escape pods, including Wolffe, Plo Koon, and two troopers, Sinker and Boost.

After the battle and the loss of his comrades, Wolffe continued to serve under Jedi General Plo Koon. Wolffe and the remaining members of the Wolfpack adapted to their new circumstances and continued to participate in various missions throughout the Clone Wars.

The HEARTBREAKING Reason COMMANDER WOLFFE Changed His Armour From RED to GREY - Clone Wars Season 7

Initially, Wolffe and the other surviving clones were not on good terms with the replacement clones sent from Kamino because they did not share the same history, experience, and brotherhood that the old Wolfpack and 104th battalion did.

Despite this, Wolffe personally tasked himself with training the newest members of the battalion, taking some of them under his wing, which eventually turned them into the newest members of the Wolfpack squad.

Originally, the dark red, maroon paint scheme on the Wolfpack’s armor represented the fierce and predatory nature of a wolf, and the blood left behind after a successful hunt. After the loss of most of the Wolfpack members in the attack by the Malevolence, Commander Wolffe decided to change the Wolf imagery and the paint colors to a dark blue shade, darker than the markings of the 501st.

This new color represented the memory of his lost brothers. Wolffe was incredibly emotional when creating the markings on his armor, but knew he had to do it to honor the fallen men of his Wolfpack and battalion.