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The Official Cross-Sections Say that the AT-TE Can Walk at 37 mph & 11 Other Facts You’ll Love to Know

The Official Cross-Sections Say that the AT-TE Can Walk at 37 mph & 11 Other Facts You’ll Love to Know

During the Clone Wars, the AT-TE was a mainstay weapon that evolved into legendary status for Star Wars fans. This combat vehicle has multiple features that help it stand out. We can start by recognizing its walking speed and then think about eleven other outstanding components. 

1. Walking Speed

The All Terrain Tactical Enforcer (AT-TE) boasts a 37 mph or 60 kph walking speed, quite fast for the size of this vehicle. Fans here noted the fast speed on the accompanying cross-section visual. No doubt, its “six legs” help deliver that top speed and make this a primary vehicle for the Republic during the Clone Wars. 

2. Laser Cannons

Some fans from above also focused on the power of the AT-TE’s “anti-personnel laser cannons,” indicating how they were equivalent to 1.2 metric tons of TNT. The AT-TE is equipped with six of them, along with a heavy projectile cannon. As the diagram description attests, the top “missile-launcher bombards fixed emplacements” while the “six laser-cannon turrets swivel quickly to devastate faster line-of-sight targets.” That combined weaponry provides incredible firepower.

3. The Top Cannon Is Versatile

As this video captures, the AT-TE’s large top cannon, or “mass driver cannon,” is versatile because it can fire heavy-energy and solid-shell ammunition. That means, this vehicle can launch “bunker busters” to “heat-seeking projectiles” when attacking an enemy. We could say versatile and deadly. 

Star Wars: Inside the AT-TE Walker

4. Penetrates Energy Fields

The AT-TE is also known for penetrating energy fields. Because of its “plodding pace” and low-to-ground position, this vehicle can move through shields that stop repulsorlift crafts. This ability adds to the AT-TE maneuverability that includes taking on the most difficult terrain and environments. 

5. Formidable Defense

The frontal and rear gun placements provide a bolstered defense against attacks. The conductive nature of the AT-TE’s outer armor also spreads out the heat of enemy fire to lessen penetration. 

6. Well-Rounded and Reliable

Another video complements the AT-TE by noting that it is “one of the most well-rounded and reliable combat vehicles ever deployed.” We may well agree with that statement, given the AT-TE’s sturdy 22-meter length and evenly distributed weight. This vehicle can transport 20 troops and an IM-6 Medical Droid. The inclusion of the IM-6 adds reliability in itself since it was known for being “the most versatile and advanced” of its kind during the Clone Wars. 

7. The Shape Is From an Insect-like Creature

Greatest Tank Ever, or Paper Tiger? | AT-TE Complete Breakdown

In this “complete breakdown” of the AT-TE, we turn our attention to the shape of this combat vehicle. It was based on the Arctic horny whelmer, “a hearty animal native to the planet Rothana.” We may agree that both look like a “six-legged armadillo.” Yet, as noted at the outset the AT-TE moved much faster than its namesake, an insect-like creature that was “bulky and fairly slow.” 

8. Rothana Engineering Was Behind the AT-TE

No list recognizing the merits of the AT-TE would be complete without recognizing the engineering company behind it. Fans are probably familiar with Rothana Heavy Engineering for its innovative Acclamator-class assault ship and AT-TE designs. This outfit was also responsible for such vehicles as the LAAT gunship, which likewise provided versatility, dependability, and dropping the AT-TE at its designated spots. 

9. The AT-TE Can Be Modified

The AT-TE can also be modified for new purposes. Captain Rex and Commanders Gregor and Wolffe decided to modify theirs to be “a mobile home and a hunting platform.” When in need of a leisurely vehicle in retirement, this is the vehicle to use because it can also be refitted with sleeping bunks, a kitchen, and bug catchers. 

10. Large Rear Compartment

If that was not enough, the AT-TE also has a large rear compartment with the capability of storing “smaller vehicles like AT-RTs or speeder bikes.” We can envision how this feature supports the battlefield and how it could aid leisure time. AT-RTs in themselves extend on mission support and surveying potential camping spots. 

11. Communication and Troop Station

This breakdown of the AT-TE likewise draws attention to the rear compartment but for primary purposes. This back compartment had “computer hologram communication devices” along with areas for clone troopers to stand while being transported. Plenty of room, then, for multiple objectives.

12. A Great Lego Set

Last but not least, the AT-TE makes for a great Lego set. As advertised, “Revenge of the Sith  fans can recreate the Battle of Utapau.” Like the movie version, this set is durable and has a heavy blaster cannon, six legs, and six laser-cannon turrets. It also comes with five clone troopers and three battle droids. But alas, it cannot go 37 mph.