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The Rise of Skywalker Was So Rushed Disney Couldn’t Bear to Watch It Before Release

The Rise of Skywalker Was So Rushed Disney Couldn’t Bear to Watch It Before Release

The Rise of Skywalker was the culmination of the Skywalker saga. As such, this film was unique because it concluded a story that has lasted more than 40 years. Yet, it drew the ire of fans and critics alike and reportedly was not even viewed by Disney beforehand.

Why was The Rise of Skywalker so rushed that Disney couldn’t bear to watch it before its release? Read on to find out. 

Release of The Rise of Skywalker

As reported in December 2019, The Rise of Skywalker was unique because it did not have test screenings before its release. Director J.J. Abrams confirmed that the final saga was only viewed by his family and friends. The reason could have been that Disney did not want any of the film’s secrets leaked out.

However, it seems more likely that the movie was so rushed that Disney skipped audience screenings. In a 2021 interview, Abrams leaned in that direction when he hinted that this project didn’t appear to have a plan because he learned that “having a plan” “is the most critical thing.” 

We can start to see why Disney would not have wanted to watch this film.

Critic reviews were mixed after the film’s release, but several commented on how The Rise of Skywalker only seemed too focused on “an unnecessary course-correct from ‘The Last Jedi.’” Others thought that the director and writer were trying to pack “way too much plot” into the last sequel. 

Other articles from just after its release contended that The Rise of Skywalker “limp[ed] toward its finish line” because it was “hobbled by the pressure of fan expectations.” To that point, the last sequel struggled with fans too, with some disliking its overt “fan service” as with Chewbacca’s medal. Other fans thought the movie lacked a premise or concept, throwing “together a story from themes and plot beats from the sacred original trilogy.

These comments reveal that the film had an underlying rushed quality to it. 

Why Was The Rise of Skywalker So Rushed?

In early 2020, editor Maryann Brandon provided a key reason why the film was so rushed–a tight December 20th deadline. Brandon indicated that the production team was “trying to figure out a lot of stuff” and that Abrams struggled to “spend more time in the cutting room.” The schedule was just too tight. 

Part of that rushed schedule originated when the initial director Colin Trevorrow left the project in September 2017 and Abrams replaced him. As this video explains, a two-year timeframe was inadequate for a film of this scale, and Abrams felt the pressure to provide a triumphant finale.

Fans on this discussion board have responded with serious and humorous comments about how rushed this movie was. One stated that Abrams had his hands full and “was probably quite stressed when making it,” while another guessed that “Disney had outsourced the script writing to a galaxy far, far away.” Both indicate how rushed the film was and why Disney wouldn’t want to watch it.

Why Disney Would Not Have Wanted to Watch the Film

On a critical level, Disney would not have wanted to watch The Rise of Skywalker because of its lack of originality. We may think first of the return of the Emperor because the film lacked a new villain. Darth Sidious was resurrected after Snoke died in The Last Jedi and then flashed out in trailers before the film’s release.

Other criticisms of the film have been directed at Star Destroyers having Death Star-like lasers, Rey being Palpatine’s granddaughter, the near-death of Chewie, and how Finn never revealed the secret he wanted to tell Rey. The list can go on and on.

On the constructive side, Disney would have known about the missed opportunities of the film and may have preferred to look the other way. As this video conveys, audiences could have seen a new Star Destroyer for Kylo Ren that followed in the steps of Vader. A new Anvil Flagship along with other innovations could have boosted the film’s creative standing. 

Disney Not Watching The Rise of Skywalker

With its rushed schedule, The Rise of Skywalker appears to have been bogged down with troubles. Many critics and fans objected to its forced premises and lack of direction. The degree of issues with the last movie appears to have even factored into Disney not watching its release.