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This is what HAPPENED to Jar Jar Binks After Order 66

This is what HAPPENED to Jar Jar Binks After Order 66

The last time we see Jar Jar is during Padmé’s funeral procession. 

After that, we find him as a performer on Naboo. 

Many of us know why Jar Jar was exiled, but there’s a deeper story to uncover. 

Join me as we explore the untold tale of Jar Jar Binks and his career as a performer in Theed. 

Without further ado!

This is Why Jar Jar Binks Faced Exile

What Was The TERRIBLE Fate Of Jar Jar Binks After The Clone Wars?

Before diving into his later years, we must understand why Jar Jar Binks became such a controversial figure in the galaxy. 

While many of us are familiar with the reasons, here’s a quick recap. 

During the Clone Wars, Jar Jar was manipulated by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine to propose emergency executive powers in the Senate. 

This granted Palpatine the ability to create the Grand Army of the Republic, setting the stage for his transformation into Emperor. 

This moment turned Jar Jar into a figure of disdain. Seen by many as responsible for the Empire’s rise, his fall from grace was swift and harsh.

A Performer in Exile

After walking in Padmé’s funeral procession, we quickly see that the people of Naboo are blaming Jar Jar Binks for everything that went wrong. 

They believe he’s responsible for Palpatine becoming Emperor since he was the one who helped give him emergency powers in the Senate. 

Even though Jar Jar became the Senator of Naboo, the people were still angry with him. 

They decided to exile him and replace him with Pooja Naberrie, Padmé’s niece.

After the Battle of Endor, Jar Jar returned to Naboo and became a street performer in Theed. 

Kids loved his clumsy, playful acts, but the adults both Gungan and Naboo, couldn’t forget what he had done. 

They blamed him for helping the Empire and wouldn’t even say his name.

Jar Jar and Mapo: A Story of Redemption?

In the novel Aftermath: Empire’s End, we get a closer look at Jar Jar Binks as a performer. 

In this story, Jar Jar meets a young refugee boy named Mapo. 

Mapo, disfigured and orphaned by the Empire’s actions, feels out of place, much like Jar Jar. 

The two bond over their shared feelings of isolation, with Mapo noting that neither of them seems to belong anywhere. 

This encounter offers a glimpse of redemption for Jar Jar. He agrees to teach Mapo the art of clowning, giving the boy a sense of purpose and finding solace in their friendship. 

This unlikely companionship represents a poignant moment in Jar Jar’s later life, an opportunity for him to help someone who, like him, has been cast aside by society. 

Despite his fall from grace, Jar Jar’s story doesn’t end in bitterness. Instead, it shows a character who, even after causing one of the galaxy’s greatest mistakes, continues to try and bring smiles to those around him.


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