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What Are These? What Do They Do?

What Are These? What Do They Do?

I just came across an interesting question that we might not have thought much about while watching The Clone Wars series. Among all the Clone Troopers, Rex stands out with his unique armor design. 

But there’s one detail that doesn’t get much attention—what exactly is that pouch on the front of Rex’s armor for?

Here’s what I found.

Every ARC Trooper Has This Pouch

If we take a closer look at Rex’s armor, we’ll see that he’s not the only one carrying a pouch on his chest. This small but distinct piece of gear is a standard part of an ARC Trooper’s equipment. Advanced Recon Commandos were the best of the best, trained for high-risk missions that required more independence and tactical skill than regular clone troopers. Their armor reflected this elite status, featuring extra plating, kamas, rangefinders, and, of course, those signature pouches.

So what’s inside the pouch? Simply put, it’s an ammunition pouch. According to Star Wars sources, ARC Trooper armor was designed with additional gear, including holsters, backpacks, and pouches specifically for carrying extra rounds. As the Star Wars Fandom notes, “Both versions of the Phase I set featured additional gray armor plating compared to the average clone, a double pauldron, additional equipment, a kama, a rangefinder, ammunition pouches, a backpack, and two holsters.

But here’s the real question—if the ARC Troopers had these ammunition pouches because they were so useful, why didn’t the Kaminoans or the Republic make them standard for every clone trooper?

The Reason Why Only ARC Troopers Have Ammunition Pouches

The reason we need to look at is the weapons ARC Troopers use. Unlike standard clone troopers, who typically carry the DC-15S blaster carbine with a massive 500-shot capacity, ARC Troopers rely on DC-17 hand blasters—compact, powerful, and designed for rapid combat.

This is exactly why they need the ammunition pouch. Each DC-17 blaster pistol only holds 50 shots per power cell, and since ARC Troopers always dual-wield, that means they burn through 100 shots in a single round of combat before needing to reload. Compared to the standard DC-15S, which can fire for much longer without reloading, ARC Troopers have to carry extra power cells to stay in the fight.

Having an ammunition pouch ensures that ARC Troopers don’t run out of firepower in the middle of battle, allowing them to maintain their aggressive, fast-paced combat style without being forced to retreat for resupply.

Inside the Ammunition Pouch

The ammunition pouch isn’t just for carrying extra ammo—we have to consider everything ARC Troopers need in the field. These elite clones don’t just rely on their DC-17 blasters; they carry extra gear to handle high-risk missions effectively.

From what we know, ARC Troopers have both pouches and extra holders built into their armor to store more than just ammunition. These compartments hold grenades, land mines, medkits, extra blaster cartridges, and even ration bars—everything they need to stay in the fight longer without relying on supply drops.