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What Jedi Do You Think Could Survive This the Longest (or Even Win)?

What Jedi Do You Think Could Survive This the Longest (or Even Win)?

As you can see from the image above, you’ve probably already guessed what we’re about to dive into. The scenario? 

An impossible battle against some of the most powerful Sith and dark side forces the galaxy has ever known.

Now, imagine facing Darth Vader, Darth Maul, Count Dooku (Darth Tyranus), General Grievous, Asajj Ventress, and, of course, the true dark lord himself, Darth Sidious, all at once.

The question is simple: could any Jedi survive this madness?

If you have a Jedi in mind who could pull off such a feat, let me know in the comments below!

But, without further ado, here are my top 4 Jedi who I believe could survive this insane battle…

How Jedi Could Survive a Fight Against Multiple Sith Lords

To be honest, I think not many Jedi could survive such a battle.  

When we consider facing a single Sith Lord, it’s already a huge challenge for any Jedi—just look at how quickly Palpatine defeated some of the most powerful Jedi Masters alongside Mace Windu in Revenge of the Sith.

Mace Windu vs Palpatine - "I am The Senate" | Star Wars Revenge of the Sith (2005) Movie Clip HD 4K

In the infamous arrest scene, Palpatine single-handedly killed Agen Kolar, Saesee Tiin, and Kit Fisto in mere seconds, despite their advanced combat skills and training. 

This moment highlights the immense difficulty of fighting even one Sith Lord, let alone multiple Sith and their apprentices.

Now, imagine the sheer chaos of battling not just one but multiple Sith Lords, including their ruthless apprentices and allies. 

That kind of battle would require more than just brute strength; it would demand strategy, foresight, and exploiting the weaknesses of the Sith themselves—like their penchant for betrayal and infighting.

With that strategy, not only could any Jedi survive the battle, but they’d also get the added bonus of watching the Sith turn on each other.

If you’re still curious about which Jedi could take on multiple villains like this, here are the top 4 who I believe would stand a chance in such an epic showdown.

Shaak Ti 

Shaak Ti may not always be in the spotlight, but she’s one of the smartest Jedi out there. Known for her tactical brilliance, she played a crucial role during the Clone Wars, especially in defending Kamino. 

Shaak Ti is incredibly patient, and that’s what makes her dangerous. She doesn’t rush into battle blindly but instead waits for the right moment to strike. 

Her calm demeanor under pressure and mastery of defensive techniques would give her a real chance at surviving an onslaught of Sith.

She’s cool under pressure, methodical, and a master strategist—exactly what you need to survive a battle filled with Sith.

One of Shaak Ti’s standout moments of tactical brilliance occurs in The Clone Wars episode “ARC Troopers.” 

In this episode, Shaak Ti plays a critical role in defending the cloning facilities on Kamino from a large-scale Separatist invasion led by General Grievous and Asajj Ventress. 

Despite the overwhelming odds, she organizes the defense with precision and intelligence, calmly coordinating the clone forces to repel the attack. 

Her ability to stay level-headed while making strategic decisions under intense pressure shows how she’s not only a great fighter but also a capable commander.

Obi-Wan Kenobi

Obi-Wan Kenobi’s ability to survive in a battle against multiple Sith Lords comes down to a combination of his mastery of defensive techniques, his tactical mind, and his ability to stay emotionally grounded. 

As a practitioner of Soresu, the most defensive lightsaber form, Obi-Wan excels at conserving his energy and letting his opponents tire themselves out. 

In a fight against the likes of Darth Vader, Darth Maul, Count Dooku, General Grievous, and Darth Sidious, Obi-Wan’s priority would be defense, allowing him to survive while looking for an opening.

Instead, he would look for ways to divide and conquer, using his knowledge of each opponent’s strengths and weaknesses to outmaneuver them. 

His calm demeanor ensures that he wouldn’t be lured into emotional mistakes, even in the face of overwhelming odds. 

With his remarkable ability to stay focused on the larger picture, Obi-Wan’s chances of survival in such a fight are significantly higher than most.

One great example of this tactical mastery is in The Clone Wars episode “Revival” (Season 5, Episode 1), where Obi-Wan faces both Darth Maul and Savage Opress. 

Initially, Obi-Wan is outmatched by the sheer strength of these two formidable opponents, both wielding double-bladed lightsabers. 

However, instead of meeting their brute force head-on, Obi-Wan employs his defensive skills, evading their strikes while using his agility and patience to survive their relentless attacks.

While he doesn’t manage to defeat either Maul or Savage in this encounter, Obi-Wan’s strategic thinking and defensive tactics allow him to escape a seemingly impossible situation. 

This showcases his ability to handle overwhelming odds and emphasizes why he could potentially survive even against a group of powerful Sith Lords.

Obi-Wan Kenobi vs Maul & Savage [4K HDR] - Star Wars: The Clone Wars


When it comes to surviving a battle against multiple Sith Lords, Yoda stands out as one of the most powerful and experienced Jedi in the galaxy. 

As the Grandmaster of the Jedi Order, Yoda has faced countless challenges throughout his long life, demonstrating not only his unparalleled mastery of the Force but also his keen wisdom in the heat of battle. 

While other Jedi rely on a combination of physical skill and Force abilities, Yoda uses his deep connection to the Force to outmaneuver, outthink, and overpower even the most dangerous foes.

And we have seen many times when Yoda facing a dark side Force wielder.

One of the famous is how Yoda duels with Palpatine in Revenge of the Sith, we all know how it goes

The fight demonstrates how Yoda uses his size and agility to his advantage, darting around Sidious and using the environment to evade attacks. 

Even when Sidious hurls Senate pods at him, Yoda counters with the Force, showing his remarkable control in the heat of battle.

Another example where Yoda faces Asajj Ventress is in The Clone Wars series. In the episode titled “Ambush” (Season 1, Episode 1), Yoda is ambushed by Ventress’s army of droids as he tries to secure an alliance with King Katuunko of Toydaria. 

Despite being heavily outnumbered, Yoda skillfully dismantles the droids using both his lightsaber and the Force, proving that even when faced with an overwhelming force, Yoda can outmaneuver his opponents. 

He never directly fights Ventress, but in a key moment, Yoda effortlessly disarms her with a simple Force pull, forcing her to retreat in defeat.

Star Wars The Clone Wars: Yoda toying with Asajj Ventress

So with all of that in mind, the wisdom he demonstrates, his unmatched mastery of the Force, and his skill in outmaneuvering powerful dark side opponents, I think Yoda could manage to survive when facing multiple dark side Force wielders.

Luke Skywalker

When it comes to facing Sith Lords, there’s no better Jedi to mention than the hero of the original trilogy himself, Luke Skywalker.

Luke Skywalker, the iconic hero of the original Star Wars trilogy, embodies both raw potential and the wisdom gained through his journey from a farm boy to a Jedi Knight.

Unlike other Jedi, Luke didn’t grow up in the Jedi Order. His experience was shaped by learning under intense pressure and in unique situations, making him adaptable, resourceful, and deeply connected to the Force.

Luke’s most significant battle was, of course, against Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine in Return of the Jedi. 

Here, he didn’t just prove his strength in combat, but more importantly, he demonstrated emotional control. Despite the Emperor’s goading and Vader’s provocations, Luke resisted the temptation of the dark side. 

He understood that to win the battle, he didn’t need to physically defeat his enemies but to stay true to the light side of the Force. 

Luke’s progression in The Last Jedi further solidifies his abilities. By this point, he has become one of the most powerful Force users in history, capable of projecting his image across the galaxy. 

While some fans were divided about this portrayal, it illustrates Luke’s deep understanding of the Force. 

Take his duel with Darth Vader in Return of the Jedi. Initially, Luke is overwhelmed by the conflict, especially when Vader threatens Leia. 

He lets his anger flare up and unleashes a torrent of aggressive strikes on Vader. But as soon as he realizes that he’s stepping closer to the dark side, he pauses, regains control, and chooses to throw down his lightsaber rather than finish Vader. 

This moment shows Luke’s true power—not in his combat skills but in his ability to conquer his own inner darkness.

Luke Skywalker vs Darth Vader (Whole Fight)

In a battle against multiple Sith Lords, Luke’s survival wouldn’t depend solely on his combat skills. 

Rather, it’s his deep connection to the Force, his ability to remain calm under pressure, and his refusal to be consumed by hatred that would give him the upper hand. 

He wouldn’t rush into the fight; instead, he would use his wisdom and connection to the light side to outmaneuver his enemies, letting the Force guide him through the chaos.

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