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The 10 Worst Jobs to Have in Star Wars

The 10 Worst Jobs to Have in Star Wars

When we think of jobs in Star Wars, we may think of Jedi Masters, Sith Lord first, or adventurous pilots like Han Solo. Yet, many positions in this galaxy are not that great. What’s the worst job to have in Star Wars? Read on to find out about the 10 worst jobs. 

10. Moisture Farmer

Would moisture vaporators really work? - STAR WARS SCIENCE

This discussion explores the unpleasant realities of moisture farming. Not only does this job entail living on the dusty world of Tatooine, it also is grueling work meant to provide for the whole planet. Moisture Farmers are stuck on this planet with no other options and are forced to reside next to the likes of Jabba.

9. Ugnaught

We got a sense of the grueling work of being an Ugnaught in Empire Strikes Back. We could say that Ugnaughts “are doomed to a life of obscurity in the bowels of Cloud City.” They get no recognition and are forced to do tasks like carbon freeze Han Solo.

Ugnaught Species Biology, Society, and History

8. Nerfherders

5 DIRTIEST Jobs in the ENTIRE Star Wars Universe [NOT FUN]

Nerfherders are included in this video as one of the worst jobs in Star Wars. In this position, the downside is not just the isolated, mundane existence, but also the danger of “nerf spit” or the “black sticky acidic substance” that could burn exposed skin and ruin clothes. Like Moisture Farmers, the unpleasantness and trapped qualities of the Nerfherder earn a spot on this list.

7. Stormtroopers

Fans provide some interesting responses here, such as “an imperial soldier in the forests of Endor” as being the worst job. These stormtroopers get decimated or captured on Endor. And, their fate after capture probably means death. 

This article provides ample reasons why stormtroopers have a terrible job, such as forced conformity and high death rates. It’s not easy being a stormtrooper. 

6. Officers Under Vader

An intriguing response from above indicates that “the officer who had to report directly to Darth Vader” had the worst job. This could be the worst occupation because of the high pressure and chance of being Force-choked to death.

We are familiar with Vader’s choking of Officer Motti in A New Hope and Admiral Ozzel in The Empire Strikes Back. The risks outweigh the rewards in this line of work. Yet, they are commanding others, so this position is not the absolute worst. 

Darth Vader "You have failed me for the last time" - Full Scene HD

5. The Emperor

A surprising choice from the Quora discussion is that the Emperor’s job is the worst because he needs to “hatch elaborate plans, carry them out, and do the thinking for all of your underlings.” The heavy responsibility of the job is the drawback, along with Jedi and Vader trying “to off” him. 

As this recent article explores, Palpatine is not really “gleeful” in his hatred, but “secretly deeply tortured, angry, and fearful.” Those emotions arise from threats to his life and from all his planning, or the stresses of the job.

4. Bounty Hunters

This video provides 10 jobs that could arguably be considered the worst, starting with bounty hunters. To clarify, we mean “the bottom 99%” of bounty hunters, not the top-of-the-line Boba Fetts and Cad Banes. Competition and danger to their lives are the primary reasons why this occupation is toward the bottom. We need to remember that most bounty hunters remain anonymous or worse. 

The 10 WORST Jobs in ALL of Star Wars!

3. Rancor Keeper

The above video includes Rancor Keeper. Malakili from Return of the Jedi provides insights into the downsides of this job. For one, he worked for the “greedy crime lord” Jabba. Two, there is a real danger of being eaten or harmed by a Rancor. Three, “the dark, damp, and unpleasant” work environment along with the distasteful task of cleaning up and feeding a Rancor makes this job a leading contender for the worst spot. 

2. Star Wars Slaves

In another discussion, fans indicate how “a Spice mining slave” or a slave for Jabba would be the worst. The treatment and low life expectancy are among the key reasons. 

Slaves are forced to do the labor that others do not want to do and have no rights. Many slaves were considered property and could be traded. That is a bad job in any universe. Yet, if we combine it with another, we get the worst one of all. 

1. Rancor Keeper-Slaves

Rancor Keepers like Malakili were slaves, which by itself could be the worst job. If we combine keeper and slave, we arguably have the worst job in Star Wars. 

Given the frequency of Rancor Keeper responses and the deplorable position of slaves, we can see how Rancor Keeper/Slave is the worst occupation. Based on the unfree, hazardous, and unpleasant nature of the work, Rancor Keeper-Slave earns the top spot.