Temuera Morrison—the only actor who can say he’s played a thousand roles in one movie. I mean, he’s literally the face of every Clone Trooper in the Star Wars universe. He played Jango Fett, then Boba Fett, and even appeared in a few scenes as Clone Troopers themselves.
But here’s something you might not know—there’s one particular Clone Trooper with a scar over his right eye. If you’ve never noticed him before, don’t worry—I just found out about him too, and yes, he was also played by Temuera Morrison.
Jag, the Pilot Who Shot Down Plo Koon
If you take a look at the behind-the-scenes image below, you’ll see Temuera Morrison playing a Clone Trooper, sitting in a chair with his hands positioned like he’s controlling something.
Well, that’s because he was playing Jag, the Clone Trooper pilot who shot down Plo Koon during Order 66.
If you’re thinking, “That’s too short, I want to know more about this Clone Trooper,” you’re absolutely right. There’s way more to Jag than just his role in Order 66. So, if you’re curious, here are some cool hidden details you might not know.
Jag, also known as Jai’galaar, had the military designation CT-55/11-9009. Like many other clone officers, he originally held the rank of commander and fought in the First Battle of Geonosis. However, after the Retreat at Katraasii, he was demoted from commander to captain.
His story is briefly explored in the book Guide to the Grand Army of the Republic – Star Wars Insider 84, which provides more insight into his role. The book states:
From his short story, we learn what happened after his demotion—Plo Koon personally selected Jag to serve as the captain of the new ARC-170 fighter unit under his command. Unfortunately, Jag wasn’t like Rex—he couldn’t resist Order 66. When the time came, he followed his programming without hesitation and took down Plo Koon, just as we saw in the film.
We also learn that Jag originally piloted for the 127th Gunship Wing before later transitioning to the ARC-170 fighter unit. His ARC-170 fighter—the same one he used to shoot down Plo Koon in Revenge of the Sith—has some interesting details worth noting.
Check out the video below for a full breakdown of the ARC-170.