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Who Is the Most Skilled Lightsaber Duelist Without the Ability to Use the Force?

Who Is the Most Skilled Lightsaber Duelist Without the Ability to Use the Force?

My brother and I were talking about lightsaber duelists the other day. He mentioned big names like Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Yoda as the best fighters. But I had to jump in and say, “What about General Grievous? He’s not even Force-sensitive, but he’s taken down Jedi! Imagine how strong he’d be if he had the Force.”

That kicked off a big debate between us, and here’s how I explained to him why I believe Grievous is the most skilled lightsaber duelist.

His Cybernetics Help Him Match the Force

My brother argues that without the Force, Grievous could never stand a chance against any Force-wielding lightsaber duelist. 

He pointed to an example from Star Wars: Yoda issue #7, where Grievous goes up against Yoda—and it’s a complete nightmare for him. Grievous can’t do anything against Yoda, who completely outmatches him.

But I explained that at this point in the story, Grievous hasn’t reached his full potential yet. The fact that he even manages to survive a fight with Yoda is impressive, especially since Yoda is on the verge of completely dismantling him, and Grievous is only using one lightsaber.

During the fight, Yoda highlights Grievous’s biggest weakness: relying on Jedi weapons without the connection to the Force. Yoda says, “You may fight with a Jedi weapon, General… But possess our skills, you do not. Not our connection to the Force.

Hearing this, Grievous becomes enraged and fights even more aggressively, dismissing the Force as nothing more than a childish trick. He snaps back at Yoda, “Nothing more than a trick. Magic. As if to entertain a child.

When General Grievous Attempted Suicide [Canon]

Then I brought up the time when Grievous single-handedly faced five Jedi at once, nearly defeating all of them—a moment that truly shows him at his peak.

In the 2003 Clone Wars animated series, we see Grievous go up against Ki-Adi-Mundi and several other Jedi Knights. Despite their use of the Force, Grievous systematically takes them down one by one.

What makes this so impressive is how well Grievous understands the Jedi. His cybernetic enhancements allow him to wield four lightsabers simultaneously, enabling him to block and counter their strikes with terrifying precision.

General Grivous vs Ki Adi Mundi and Jedi Knight´s 1080P

From the fight with the five Jedi, it’s clear how much Grievous’s cybernetic body gives him an edge, allowing him to control the battle effortlessly. His speed is unmatched, with movements so fast that even seasoned Jedi struggle to keep up.

Grievous’s enhanced reflexes and precision let him react instantly to their attacks, countering with deadly strikes of his own.

His ability to rotate his arms independently improves his combat style, making it nearly impossible for the Jedi to predict his moves.

Grievous’s Hatred for the Jedi Fuels His Deadly Skill

One of the biggest reasons why Grievous is such an exceptional lightsaber duelist is his deep hatred for the Jedi. His goal has always been to use their own weapon against them, which is why he’s mastered all seven lightsaber forms—yes, all of them.

I won’t go into every detail about why Grievous hates the Jedi so much, but to sum it up: on his home planet, the Kaleesh were enslaved by the Huk. 

Grievous led the Kaleesh in a war against their oppressors, and they were on the verge of victory. But then the Huk begged the Republic for help, and the Republic sent Jedi to intervene.

The Republic sent Jedi to aid the Huk, and instead of bringing peace, the Jedi butchered Grievous’s troops.

So, yeah, Grievous’s hatred for the Jedi—and the Republic—runs deep, and it’s this rage that drives him to be one of the deadliest opponents they’ve ever faced.

With that deep hatred for the Jedi, Grievous dedicated himself to intense training under Count Dooku’s guidance. Through this rigorous mentorship, he mastered all seven forms of Jedi lightsaber combat, turning their greatest weapon into his tool for vengeance.

This fact is even confirmed in Revenge of the Sith Grievous himself during his iconic duel with Obi-Wan Kenobi on Utapau in. He taunts Kenobi, declaring, “I’ve been trained in your Jedi arts by Count Dooku!

Obi-Wan Kenobi vs General Grievous | Full Fight Scene - Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith