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Who Would Be The Lamest Jedi To Be A Padawan Under? Not Awful…Just Lame.

Who Would Be The Lamest Jedi To Be A Padawan Under? Not Awful…Just Lame.

We all love the Jedi, but let’s face it: not every Jedi would make the most thrilling master. Some are wise, strong, and talented, but being their Padawan?

Well, it might be a little underwhelming. We’re not saying they’re bad, just… lame. Let’s break down who would be the least exciting Jedi to train under and why.

1. Shaak Ti: The Clone Trooper Babysitter on Kamino

Shaak Ti is no slouch when it comes to power and wisdom. But as a Padawan? You’d be stuck on Kamino, the rainy cloning planet, watching clone troopers train all day.

It’s one thing to lead battles, but being stationed on Kamino during the Clone Wars? That’s next-level dull. You’d probably feel more like a babysitter for clones than an aspiring Jedi Knight.

You wouldn’t be on the front lines, fighting droids or Sith. Instead, you’d be hanging out in a gloomy, rainy place, waiting for the action to come to you.

And spoiler alert: when Kamino does get attacked, escaping during Order 66 wouldn’t be a walk in the park.

2. Luminara Unduli: The By-the-Book, No Fun Mentor

Luminara Unduli is another Jedi who, while talented, might not make the most engaging master.

She follows the Jedi Code to the letter, which is great in terms of discipline but a drag in terms of personal connection.

As her Padawan, you’d get a whole lot of “just move on” if something tragic happened. It’s practical advice, but after a while, that “will of the Force” attitude could feel a bit cold.

And then there’s Barriss Offee, Luminara’s Padawan, who ended up bombing the Jedi Temple.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Barriss Offee's confession [1080p]

Maybe if Luminara had been a little more present emotionally, things would have turned out differently.

She’s the type of master who’d make sure you know the rules but wouldn’t exactly offer a shoulder to cry on.

3. Aayla Secura: The Master Who Won’t Even Know You’re There

Aayla Secura is a Jedi hero of the Clone Wars. She’s powerful, popular, and always in the thick of battle. But being her Padawan? You’d probably feel like a background character.

Aayla is such a big deal that no one would even notice you exist. You’d get all the responsibility of being a Jedi without any of the recognition.

This might be fine for some, but if you’re hoping to get noticed or make your mark, being Aayla’s Padawan might be more frustrating than fun.

You’d always be overshadowed by her, and you might not get the attention or opportunities to prove yourself.

Aayla Secura Scenes and Voice (Ep 2, Clone Wars, Ep 3, Ep 9)

4. Ki-Adi-Mundi: The Jedi with Too Many Responsibilities… and Wives

Now, let’s talk about Ki-Adi-Mundi. He’s on the Jedi Council, so you’d think being his Padawan would be a huge honor.

And it is, except for one thing, he’s often busy with personal matters. You see, Ki-Adi-Mundi’s species has a low birth rate, so the Jedi let him have multiple wives and kids.

That means he takes regular trips back to his home planet for family duties, leaving you to meditate and train alone.

While Ki-Adi-Mundi is wise, his frequent absences could make your training feel inconsistent.

On top of that, one of his former Padawans, A’Sharad Hett, later fell to the Dark Side and became Darth Krayt.

So yeah, you might learn a lot, but your progress could be slower thanks to his divided attention.

Ki Adi Mundi Scenes (Ep 1, 2, CW, 3)

At the end of the day, these Jedi aren’t bad, they’re just kind of… lame.

Whether you’d be stuck on a rainy planet, emotionally disconnected from your mentor, or playing second fiddle to a more popular master, training under these Jedi masters might not feel like the adventure you were hoping for.

But hey, not everyone gets to be trained by Yoda or Anakin!

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