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Why Are Yoda and Chewbacca Besties? Does Han Even Know That?

Why Are Yoda and Chewbacca Besties? Does Han Even Know That?

In the vast Star Wars universe, there are many surprising character dynamics, but one of the most unexpected friendships is between Jedi Master Yoda and the Wookiee warrior, Chewbacca. 

While their bond is relatively brief, it leaves a lasting impression, and for many fans, it raises the question: How close are Yoda and Chewbacca really, and does Han Solo even know about their connection? 

Let’s dive into this fun corner of Star Wars history.

The Unexpected Friendship: Yoda and Chewbacca

Star Wars Episode 3 Revenge Of The Sith Yoda Escapes Kashyyyk

Yoda and Chewbacca’s brief but important alliance is shown in Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith. 

During the height of the Clone Wars, Yoda leads the defense of the Wookiee home planet, Kashyyyk, alongside the Wookiees and clone forces. 

It’s during this time that Yoda and Chewbacca meet. Their relationship is born out of a necessity for survival but quickly turns into mutual respect.

In the movie, we see Chewbacca and fellow Wookiee warrior Tarfful helping Yoda escape from Kashyyyk after the execution of Order 66, which marks the betrayal of the Jedi by the clones. 

Yoda, after witnessing the betrayal of his clone troopers, narrowly escapes thanks to Chewbacca’s help. 

This moment highlights Chewbacca’s loyalty and bravery—traits we see again throughout the entire Star Wars saga. 

For Yoda, a being who has seen countless battles and betrayals, the trust he places in Chewbacca speaks volumes about their bond.

Yoda’s decision to trust Chewbacca with his life is no small thing, especially given the circumstances. 

Chewbacca becomes an unsung hero in helping one of the last Jedi escape the clutches of the newly formed Galactic Empire. 

And while the friendship isn’t explored further in the films, this moment lays the foundation for an enduring connection between the two characters.

Does Han Even Know About This Friendship?

It’s unlikely that Han Solo knows about Chewbacca’s connection with Yoda, and this is primarily due to Han’s general attitude toward the Jedi and the Force. 

Throughout A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back, Han is portrayed as skeptical of the Force and dismissive of the Jedi, frequently calling it a “hokey religion.” 

Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match...

Given this attitude, it’s easy to assume that Chewbacca, who is loyal but private, wouldn’t have shared his past with the Jedi Master unless it was truly necessary.

Chewbacca, unlike Han, has been directly involved in some of the most critical moments of Jedi history. 

His bond with Yoda during the Clone Wars and his role in helping Yoda escape the clone troopers after Order 66 puts him in a unique position, but it’s something he likely doesn’t flaunt. 

The fact that Han doesn’t bring this up in any of the movies suggests that Chewbacca may not have ever mentioned it, possibly because he knows how dismissive Han can be of the Jedi and the Force in general.

Han, known for his skepticism, might have brushed off the significance of Chewbacca’s history with Yoda, even if he knew. 

Throughout A New Hope, he laughs off the idea of the Force being anything other than myth, famously telling Luke, “There’s no mystical energy field that controls my destiny.” 

Given that stance, it’s plausible that Chewbacca never felt the need to explain his connection with Yoda, figuring it wouldn’t resonate with Han.

Additionally, the gap in time between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope spans nearly two decades. 

By the time Han and Chewbacca are flying together, the Jedi Order has faded into legend, and the existence of the Force is considered more myth than reality. 

This is perfectly illustrated in A New Hope when an Imperial officer aboard the Death Star mocks Darth Vader during a meeting with Grand Moff Tarkin. 

The officer dismisses the Force as ‘sorcerer’s ways’ and sarcastically refers to it as an outdated superstition, saying, “Don’t try to frighten us with your sorcerer’s ways, Lord Vader.” 

Darth Vader "I find your lack of faith disturbing" - HD1080p - Star Wars Episode IV A New Hope

His disdainful tone shows how the once-revered powers of the Jedi have been reduced to something akin to witchcraft in the eyes of the Empire, a relic of a forgotten past.

Han’s disbelief in the Force may be the reason Chewbacca keeps quiet about his past. 

After all, explaining his history with Yoda might not make much sense to someone who doesn’t believe in the Jedi in the first place.

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