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Why Darth Maul Became More Powerful After Being Cut in Half By Kenobi?

Why Darth Maul Became More Powerful After Being Cut in Half By Kenobi?

Unlike Darth Vader, who was saved by Palpatine after being defeated by Obi-Wan on Mustafar, Maul faced a different fate. 

When Maul was cut in half by Obi-Wan Kenobi, his master didn’t come to his aid. 

Despite this, Maul managed to survive and eventually rose to power once again.

But how did Maul manage to survive after being cut in half? Join me as we delve into this intriguing question. 

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The Fall and Rise of Maul 

We all know how Darth Maul fell, but if you haven’t watched the Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels series, you might not know that Maul made a comeback after his fall.

Darth Maul’s survival after being cut in half by Obi-Wan Kenobi on Naboo is nothing short of miraculous. 

Fueled by his intense hatred for Obi-Wan and his desire for revenge, Maul managed to endure his severe injuries. 

His dismembered form fell into a container, which was then transported by ship to the junk world of Lotho Minor.

On Lotho Minor, Maul lived in exile, driven to madness by his circumstances. Despite losing the lower half of his body, he managed to fashion a set of spider-like legs from the junk around him. 

His existence remained unknown until his brother, Savage Opress, found him.

Savage brought Maul back to their home planet of Dathomir, where Mother Talzin, the leader of the Nightsisters, used her dark magic to heal Maul. 

She restored his sanity and replaced his makeshift legs with a new pair of mechanical ones.

Now whole again, Maul was consumed by a desire for revenge against Obi-Wan Kenobi. 

He became a dangerous third party during the Clone Wars, causing havoc for both the Republic and the Jedi. 

Maul Rising His Power For His Revenge Purpose

Darth Maul & Savage Opress VS Darth Sidious

After his recovery, Darth Maul’s rise to power was a calculated and strategic process. 

He began by taking control of the criminal underworld, commanding five major crime syndicates: Crimson Dawn, the Hutts, Black Sun, the Crymorah Syndicate, and the Pykes

Darth Maul’s criminal organization is known as the Shadow Collective.

This was not merely an alliance; Maul dominated these syndicates, making him a formidable force in the galaxy’s underworld.

Using his criminal empire, Maul sought out Sith and Jedi relics, aiming to find weapons to use against the Emperor. 

His ultimate goal was to establish himself as a rival to Palpatine. 

However, his plans were disrupted by Ahsoka Tano, who led Republic forces in the Siege of Mandalore, where Maul had taken refuge.

Despite this setback, Maul managed to re-establish himself during the Empire’s reign. He secretly ruled Crimson Dawn, a powerful new criminal group. 

His influence was so extensive that he could command representatives of various syndicates to meet, and they had no choice but to comply.

In addition to his strategic alliances and control over the criminal underworld, Maul also tried to sway Ezra Bridger, a young Jedi apprentice, to his side. 

He exploited their Force bond to create hallucinations and torment Ezra, attempting to manipulate him to embrace the dark side.

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