Star Wars: The Force Awakens gave us many unforgettable moments, and one of the standout scenes was when Finn ignited the blue lightsaber and faced off against the First Order stormtroopers. Seeing a former stormtrooper wielding a Jedi’s weapon made us think, “Finally, someone’s going to take on a stormtrooper with a lightsaber!”
You’d expect Finn to handle it easily, but things took a surprising turn when FN-2199 stepped in with his Z6 Riot Control Baton. Rather than being an easy win for Finn, FN-2199’s baton blocked the lightsaber’s strikes and even managed to overpower Finn.
So why didn’t Finn’s lightsaber cut through FN-2199’s weapon?
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The Riot Control Baton’s Design
FN-2199, the stormtrooper who battles Finn, wields a Z6 Riot Control Baton, and this weapon is far from an ordinary melee weapon.
It’s specifically designed to resist energy-based weapons like lightsabers.
The baton’s head is infused with electromagnetic plasma, allowing it to block and parry lightsaber strikes without being melted or cut through.
But there’s more to it than that.
The Z6 baton has a central shaft terminating in two conductor vanes, which can resist a lightsaber’s plasma blade.
These conductor vanes emit electric currents, making the baton spark while in use and delivering stunning shocks against opponents.
The weapon’s handle features an adhesion grip, which can magnetically pair with a stormtrooper’s gloves, allowing for enhanced maneuverability in combat.
This magnetic pairing lets FN-2199 spin the baton with precision, giving him an edge when facing Finn in melee combat.
Parallel to Other Anti-Lightsaber Weapons
Riot Control Batons are not the first weapons to resist lightsabers.
Weapons like electrostaffs, vibroblades, and beskar weapons have appeared across Star Wars lore as formidable opponents to lightsaber-wielders.
The Z6 Baton, with its plasma-infused head, can parry and block lightsaber blows, showing it’s part of a broader category of energy-resistant weapons.
Consider the electrostaff used by General Grievous’ Magnaguards or the beskar armor and spears used by Mandalorians.
Each of these weapons or armor pieces uses materials or energy fields capable of withstanding the extreme heat and cutting ability of lightsabers.
The Z6 Riot Control Baton functions similarly, though with a different technological approach.
Each of these is designed with specific tech, like plasma or energy fields, to counter the power and heat of a lightsaber, making it clear that lightsabers, while powerful, are not invincible.
Finn’s Inexperience
Throughout The Force Awakens, we know Finn, formerly designated FN-2187, was a stormtrooper, not a Jedi. When Finn picks up a lightsaber, he’s doing it out of necessity, not skill.
Unlike Rey or other Jedi, Finn has little to no training in lightsaber forms or combat techniques.
This lack of experience is a huge disadvantage when facing someone like FN-2199, who not only excels in melee combat but is equipped with a weapon designed to counter lightsabers.
It becomes clear during their fight that Finn is on the verge of losing—if it weren’t for Han and Chewie’s timely arrival, Finn wouldn’t have stood a chance.