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Why Didn’t Vader Just Get Reconstructive Surgery?

Why Didn’t Vader Just Get Reconstructive Surgery?

After his fight with Obi-Wan, Anakin underwent surgery that transformed him into the suited Vader we know. But did Vader have to look this way? Why didn’t he get reconstructive surgery? The answer mainly comes down to Palpatine. 

Why Didn’t Vader Get Reconstructive Surgery?

Two main reasons explain why Vader did not get reconstructive surgery, starting with the fact that his injuries were too severe. At the end of his fight with Obi-Wan, as this video conveys, Vader tried to crawl up the bank with only his remaining prosthetic arm but then “his body ignited” and “his lungs scorched.” The immediate surgery performed afterward was perhaps the best that could be done with his burns and missing limbs. 

The HORRIFYING Surgery Anakin Went through to become Vader! (Star Wars Explained)

As the above video explains, the surgery focused on repairing Vader through “intensive cybernetic enhancements” that took several days and were intense and grueling. The medical droids stabilized damage, connected his “robotic parts”, and “eight hours” of artificial implants. Hence, Vader was restored and enhanced to a level that was possible. 

The second explanation is that the Emperor deliberately kept Vader in a state of pain to control him. Vader did not have any anesthetics and was left awake during the surgery. The Emperor purposely did this cruel act to drive Vader’s connection to the dark side.

This is the top reason why Vader did not get reconstructive surgery. As one fan post indicates, Vader’s suit was “designed to be painful to channel his anger and keep him loyal to Palps.” As we know, the Emperor did seek to control Vader and direct him the way he saw fit. 

As the Darth Vader #9 revealed, “the machinery keeping Vader alive was obsolete by three decades.” Although it was assumed Palpatine employed top-of-the-line technology, he actually did almost the opposite. The suit ultimately “hobbled Vader, making him slower and less likely to be able to withstand Palpatine’s own power.” In effect, the Emperor wanted to make Vader strong but not too strong, keep him bent to his will. 

Another post from the above Reddit discussion extends the explanation by indicating how even when Vader tried to heal himself, it didn’t work. This third reason coincides with the Legends novel Shadows of the Empire. In meditation, Vader attempted to reconstruct himself in a way, but the healing effect did not sustain itself because of his hate and anger.

On that note, maybe Vader could have used Force healing, as Grogu did to Greef Karga in The Mandalorian. Yet, this is a light side power that Vader could not readily tap into. So, Vader was left with the prosthetic surgery that was necessary to keep him alive and aligned with what Palpatine desired.

Other fans have contributed to the primary reason by indicating how Vader could have gotten reconstructive surgery, but Palpatine did not allow it. “There was no way Palpatine was going to allow Vader to become more free,” and thus more challenging to him. The Emperor drove the surgery towards the purpose of control. 

Vader Did Not Get Reconstructive Surgery

In the end, Vader did not get reconstructive surgery because of the will and desires of the Emperor. His injuries were most likely severe anyway to reconstitute his body. Even Vader’s attempts to heal himself did not restore him.