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Why Is Greedo In This Shot?! He Died Last Scene…

Why Is Greedo In This Shot?! He Died Last Scene…

So I’m rewatching A New Hope, and right after Han shoots Greedo in the cantina, I spot another Rodian who looks exactly like him casually strolling around the spaceport.

I’m sitting there thinking, “Didn’t he just die? Is this a continuity error, or is there some hidden story here?”

Let’s get into the mystery and see what’s up with Greedo’s surprise reappearance.

“All Rodians Look the Same”…Not Cool, You “Species-ist”!

Han Solo Kills Greedo (Original)

There’s also a tongue-in-cheek theory that it’s a bit “species-ist” to think all Rodians look the same.

It’s kind of funny to imagine the galaxy’s more diverse species having their own quirks and customs and how humans sometimes don’t quite get it.

So maybe to human eyes, Rodians in the same jacket look identical, but in reality, there are a million subtle differences that make them unique.

One Rodian might choose a shade of green that says “bounty hunter on the prowl,” while another is clearly going for “casual stroll through Mos Eisley.”

So yeah, next time you see a Rodian, don’t just shout “Greedo!” and call it a day. You wouldn’t want a Rodian mixing up every human in a vest, would you?

Let’s give these green-skinned folks some credit and keep our “species-ism” in check!

He’s Just Greedo’s Twin or Cousin (Beedo, Frito…Take Your Pick)

One of my favorite explanations is that this isn’t Greedo at all but his twin brother, cousin, or just a similar-looking Rodian.

It’s like the classic soap opera twist: you think the character’s dead, but then their lookalike cousin walks into town wearing the same outfit.

The galaxy is big, but we know Rodians don’t exactly shop for varied wardrobes.

The name Beedo might actually ring a bell if you’re familiar with Star Wars Legends (the old expanded universe). There, Beedo’s a real Rodian who’s actually connected to Greedo.

So, while it’s not officially canon that Beedo is hanging out in Mos Eisley, it’s still a fun explanation.

Maybe Beedo heard about his cousin’s run-in with Han Solo and thought, “Eh, better lay low and keep it casual,” blending right into the spaceport.

It’s Probably Just a Budget Thing

If I had to bet on the most realistic answer, though, I’d say it’s likely just a case of good ol’ costume reuse.

A New Hope was made on a pretty tight budget. Back in the day, reusing costumes, especially for background shots, was pretty standard.

So if they already had that Rodian suit around, why not use it again?

This wasn’t the only time in Star Wars they pulled tricks like this. Throughout the original trilogy, props, outfits, and even scenes got reused whenever they could.

That’s why I think we’re seeing “Greedo” in the background later, even though we know he’s already gone.

Budget constraints? Sure. And in a galaxy as big as Star Wars, it’s actually kind of funny to think that little production choices can become big mysteries like this.