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Why The First Order Chose Ilum To Be Starkiller Base

Why The First Order Chose Ilum To Be Starkiller Base

In the wake of the Empire’s demise, the First Order emerged, fixated on a planet steeped in Jedi lore: Ilum. 

This icy world, rich in kyber crystals, was transformed into Starkiller Base, a superweapon of unparalleled might. 

But why Ilum? Let’s delve into the Empire’s remnants to unveil the strategic choice behind this fearsome transformation. 

Let’s begin!

Ilum’s Strategic Importance to The Empire


After the fall of the Jedi, Emperor Palpatine gained access to the Jedi’s supply of Kyber Crystals by uncovering the routes to the planet Ilum. 

His interest in Ilum was driven by its wealth of Kyber Crystals. These crystals are vitally important to both the Death Star and Starkiller Base because of their unique properties. 

Being attuned to the Force, Kyber Crystals can channel vast amounts of energy, which is why they were traditionally used in Jedi lightsabers. 

Their ability to focus energy also makes them ideal for powering large-scale superweapons.

For the Death Star, Kyber Crystals were essential to power its superlaser. 

The Empire mined these crystals on Ilum extensively, enabling the Death Star’s primary weapon to destroy entire planets with a single shot.

Starkiller Base expanded upon this technology. 

Constructed on Ilum, a planet abundant in Kyber Crystals, Starkiller Base could harness the power of stars. It channeled this power through the crystals to forge a weapon capable of annihilating entire star systems in one strike. 

The First Order enlarged the trenches left by the Empire’s mining, which not only defined Starkiller Base’s unique look but also its ability to store “dark energy” from stars. 

This energy was then transformed into a destructive beam, intensified by Kyber Crystals, that could penetrate hyperspace and reach its targets almost instantaneously.

First Order Conversion of Ilum to Starkiller Base

Starkiller base

After the Empire’s downfall at the Battle of Jakku, the architects of the First Order retrieved research logs from hidden Imperial labs that detailed the planet Ilum. 

Their decades-long quest in the Unknown Regions finally ended when they discovered a planet that matched Ilum’s precise criteria. 

Initial expeditions by snowtrooper units to Ilum cleared out any indigenous life that might threaten the ambitious excavation and construction efforts planned. 

This planet, once known as Ilum, was rechristened Starkiller Base and became the de facto headquarters of the First Order.

The Order then transformed Starkiller Base into a roaming superweapon platform, embedding an enormous superlaser array within the planet’s extensive trench. 

The Imperial’s prior mining activities on Ilum facilitated the conversion of the planet into a superweapon, streamlining the construction process for the First Order.

Starkiller Base the Home to the First Order

The superweapon at Starkiller Base shared some design elements with the Galactic Empire’s DS-1 and DS-2 Death Stars, both infamous for their planet-destroying capabilities.

However, Starkiller Base was significantly more potent and over twice as large because it was integrated into an entire planet. 

This leap in technology underscored the First Order’s belief in surpassing the fallen Galactic Empire’s might to achieve their ambitions. 

The name ‘Starkiller Base’ likely stems from its method of harnessing energy directly from stars to fuel its immense power.

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