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Why The Jedi Stopped Using Real Swords in Star Wars

Why The Jedi Stopped Using Real Swords in Star Wars

Did you know that the Star Wars lightsaber was inspired by the thrilling sword fights from classic films? 

George Lucas, the creator of Star Wars, envisioned it as an ‘elegant weapon from a more civilized age’, symbolizing the eternal struggle between the light and dark sides of the Force.

But here’s a fun fact: before the Jedi were swinging around these glowing sticks, they were using real swords. Yes, you heard it right – swords made of metal!

So, buckle up, Star Wars fans! I’m about to take you on a journey through time, back to the days before the lightsaber was even a twinkle in a Jedi’s eye. Ready? Let’s dive in!

Tython and Force Wars

A Jedi with a sword

The origins of the lightsaber, the iconic weapon of the Jedi, can be traced back to the tumultuous times of the Force Wars of Tython. 

These wars were a pivotal event in the history of the Jedi, marking a significant shift in their approach to combat and their relationship with the Force.

During the Force Wars, the Je’daii Order, the precursors to the Jedi, found themselves divided into two factions: those who followed the Ashla, or the light side of the Force, and those who followed the Bogan, or the dark side of the Force. 

Both factions used traditional metal swords, augmented through the Force, as well as Forcesabers, a type of energy sword that could be seen as a precursor to the lightsaber.

Vision About the Forcesaber

A knight with vision of red lightsaber

During this period, a vision experienced by Je’daii Master Daegen Lok played a pivotal role. 

Lok was overwhelmed by a vision of an army of dark warriors brandishing blades of frozen fire, which led him to the dark side of the Force.

Lok’s vision and his following downfall were key events that changed the course of the Je’daii Order’s history. 

The division within the Je’daii Order became even more pronounced when the Rakatan Infinite Empire invaded the Tython system.

This invasion and the ensuing conflict resulted in the Ashla Je’daii being reorganized into the Jedi Order, under the guidance of a High Council. 

Despite the upheaval of these times, the Jedi’s dedication to their unique weapons remained unwavering.

The Creation of Lightsaber 

Blueprint of lightsabers


The Forcesaber is a significant weapon in the Star Wars universe, created by the Rakata of the Infinite Empire. 

This melee weapon was made by channeling powerful dark-side energy through laboratory-grown ebon crystals, resulting in glowing energy blades similar to lightsabers.

The weapon also played a role in the Rakata’s invasion of Korriban, the Sith homeworld, with King Adas acquiring a red-bladed Forcesaber.

Sith with a red lightsaber

Force Hounds, Force Hounds, such as Xesh, were instrumental in the creation of these weapons. Xesh was exiled to the moon of Bogan for Force meditation, and it was there that he was recruited by Daegen Lok, a fellow Je’daii exile. 

Together, they embarked on a mission to construct new Forcesabers. The process was complex, involving a unique crystal and the use of alchemy. 

The Forcesabers they created were not only functional but also diverse in appearance, glowing in a variety of colors including purple, light blue, red, orange, and yellow.

However, due to its ties to the dark side, the Forcesaber posed a risk to any Je’daii using it, potentially leading them to succumb to the dark side. 

This risk, and the weapon itself, played a part in the divide within the Je’daii Order between those who wished to use the Forcesaber and those who did not.

The technology and principles behind the Forcesaber would later influence the development of the lightsabers used by the Jedi Order.

First Blade

In the Star Wars universe, there’s a significant artifact known as the First Blade. It was originally crafted by a Je’daii, referred to as the Weapon Master, on the planet Tython.

During the chaotic times of the Force Wars, a Jedi High Council member named Rajivari set out on a mission to retrieve this legendary weapon. Recognized as worthy, he was allowed to take the handle of the First Blade.

lightsaber handle

Fast forward to the Cold War era, the Scorekeeper’s Herald, a Jedi, found the handle of the First Blade. Under his master Yuon Par’s guidance, he saw its potential to become a lightsaber.

He used a crystal from the Tythonian Forge to transform the handle. This wasn’t easy. It needed a deep connection with the Force, a steady hand, and a clear mind. 

The crystal was tuned to the Force, resonating with the energy that binds the galaxy together.

Meanwhile, Yuon Par studied the engravings on the handle. They were a map to an ancient knowledge repository. Her research helped her find the location of the Fount of Rajivari.

With this knowledge, the Herald accessed the Fount of Rajivari. This marked the completion of the lightsaber, a powerful weapon and a symbol of a Jedi’s connection with the Force.