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Why Yoda’s Species Could Never Become a Sith

Why Yoda’s Species Could Never Become a Sith

Yoda’s species is one of the most mysterious in the Star Wars universe. We only know Yoda’s species through Yoda himself, Yaddle, and Grogu.

Besides these three characters, we haven’t seen anyone else from this mysterious species. 

Interestingly, two out of the three are Jedi Masters representing the light side of the Force.

Grogu is the only one who didn’t join the Jedi Order, but we’ll have to wait for upcoming Star Wars movies to see how his story unfolds. 

However, I believe that members of Yoda’s species could never be swayed to join the dark side or become a Sith.

Below are my thoughts. Let’s see if they win you over. Without further ado…

Longevity and Wisdom: The Foundation of Emotional Control

Members of Yoda’s species live for centuries, with Yoda himself reaching 900 years old. This extended lifespan grants them unparalleled wisdom and patience. 

Over such a long period, they accumulate vast knowledge and experience, allowing them to deeply understand the complexities of the Force and the universe.

This longevity fosters a perspective that values long-term outcomes over short-term gains, which is fundamentally different from the mindset of the Sith. 

For example, when Yoda first met Anakin, he could sense the complex emotions within him. 

Fear - anger - hate - suffering

With his long lifespan, Yoda has encountered and understood such feelings, knowing how they can affect one’s alignment with the light or dark side of the Force.

The Sith, driven by their ambitions and emotional turbulence, often seek immediate power and control. 

They use their emotions, particularly anger and hatred, to fuel their strength, leading to impulsive decisions and a lack of foresight. 

This can often be their downfall. In contrast, members of Yoda’s species cultivate a calm, reflective nature over centuries. 

Their prolonged lives provide them with the time to meditate, learn, and grow, developing a deep inner peace and understanding of the Force.

Grogu Was Trained Different

Before The Mandalorian series, the only known members of Yoda’s species were Yoda and Yaddle. 

Then we were introduced to Grogu, also known as The Child, who is of the same species as Yoda.

Throughout seasons 1 and 2, we occasionally see Grogu using Force abilities associated with the dark side, such as Force choke. 

However, Grogu was never meant to be a dark side wielder. Even though he sometimes used dark side Force powers, his intention was always to protect those around him.

When Grogu was trained by Luke, Luke did not sense any darkness within him. Instead, Luke saw potential and wanted to train Grogu to become a Jedi. 

The only strong feeling Luke sensed in Grogu was his bond with Din Djarin, the Mandalorian. Similarly, when Ahsoka first received Grogu from Din, she too sensed the deep bond between them.

It’s still early to say where Grogu’s journey will lead. We’ll have to wait and see what Disney Star Wars has in store for him in the upcoming movies.

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