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Would Anakin Have Cut Off Obi-Wan’s Hand To Save Palpatine In This Scene?

Would Anakin Have Cut Off Obi-Wan’s Hand To Save Palpatine In This Scene?

We all know Revenge of the Sith is packed with pivotal moments that changed the Star Wars saga forever.

One of those intense “what if” questions that keeps popping up is this: If Obi-Wan had been in Mace Windu’s shoes when Anakin came to the rescue of Palpatine, would Anakin have cut off Obi-Wan’s hand like he did to Mace?

It’s a tough one, but let’s break it down into a few key points that could help us understand Anakin’s mindset and whether his deep bond with Obi-Wan would have shifted the outcome.

Anakin’s Deep Bond with Obi-Wan: Would Loyalty Stop Him?

The first thing to consider is Anakin’s relationship with Obi-Wan. It’s no secret that the two had a brotherly bond, one that ran much deeper than Anakin’s relationship with any other Jedi.

Palpatine knew this, and that’s precisely why he had Obi-Wan sent away to fight General Grievous.

Anakin trusted Obi-Wan more than anyone else in the Jedi Order.

If Obi-Wan had been in that moment, ready to strike Palpatine down, would Anakin have acted the same way he did with Mace? Probably not as quickly or as easily.

In the movie, we see Anakin hesitate before cutting off Mace’s hand, and that’s with a Jedi he didn’t even like.

With Obi-Wan, that hesitation would be even stronger. The bond between them could’ve made Anakin pause longer, maybe even second-guess Palpatine’s manipulations.

Obi-Wan was a big reason Anakin hadn’t completely slipped to the dark side yet, which is why Palpatine needed him out of the way.

Anakin’s Fear for Padmé Would Still Weigh Heavily

While Anakin’s fear for Padmé’s life was a powerful force driving him toward the dark side, Obi-Wan was perhaps the only person who could have cut through that fear.

Palpatine had spent a lot of time manipulating Anakin, stoking his anxieties about losing Padmé.

In Anakin’s mind, Palpatine was the only one who held the key to saving her. But Obi-Wan’s calm, steady presence might have been enough to pull Anakin back from the edge.

Obi-Wan had a unique ability to connect with Anakin on a deeper level, their bond forged over years of fighting side by side.

Unlike Mace Windu, whose confrontational approach pushed Anakin away, Obi-Wan’s calm and understanding demeanor could have diffused the situation.

Even though Anakin’s love for Padmé was overwhelming, Obi-Wan’s influence might have been strong enough to guide him out of Palpatine’s grip.

In that moment, Obi-Wan wouldn’t have resorted to immediate violence. Instead, he would have spoken to Anakin as the brother and friend he knew him to be.

Obi-Wan had always believed in Anakin’s potential to make the right choice.

By appealing to that trust and their shared history, Obi-Wan could have reminded Anakin of who he truly was – someone capable of great good, not just someone driven by fear.

With Obi-Wan’s steady hand and compassionate guidance, Anakin might have seen through Palpatine’s lies.

Instead of succumbing to the fear of losing Padmé, he could have realized that turning to the dark side wasn’t the answer.

In this scenario, Anakin would have stayed by Obi-Wan’s side, recognizing that the path Palpatine offered would only lead to ruin.

The trust between them would have been enough to prevent Anakin from taking that final, irreversible step into darkness.

Obi-Wan’s Approach Would Have Been Different

Another crucial point is how different Obi-Wan’s approach would have been from Mace Windu’s. Mace went into the fight ready to kill Palpatine the moment he realized how dangerous he was.

But Obi-Wan, known for his calm and strategic thinking, likely wouldn’t have gone straight for the kill. Instead, he might have tried to arrest Palpatine, following the Jedi Code more closely.

Anakin, who was already struggling with the idea of Palpatine’s arrest, might have been more open to reason if Obi-Wan had been the one holding the lightsaber.

Obi-Wan’s trust in Anakin and his understanding of what Anakin was going through could’ve de-escalated the situation, preventing Anakin from feeling backed into a corner.

If the two of them had faced Palpatine together, Anakin might have hesitated long enough to reconsider the dark path he was about to take.

Final Thoughts

No, Anakin wouldn’t have cut off Obi-Wan’s hand to save Palpatine. Unlike with Mace Windu, Anakin’s bond with Obi-Wan was far stronger, built on years of trust and brotherhood.

Obi-Wan’s calm and compassionate approach would have helped Anakin see through Palpatine’s manipulation.

While Anakin’s fear for Padmé was overwhelming, Obi-Wan was the one person who could cut through that fear and remind Anakin of who he truly was.

In that moment, Anakin would have hesitated and ultimately chosen to stand with Obi-Wan, rejecting the dark path Palpatine offered.

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