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10 Coolest War Machines in Star Wars History

10 Coolest War Machines in Star Wars History

Star Wars is replete with ships and weapons for its galactic warfare. We may think of classic Star Destroyers or Droidekas from the Clone Wars, to mention a couple. Read on to learn about the 10 coolest war machines in Star Wars history. 

10. AT-TE

At number 10 is the AT-TE. Nicknamed “six legs,” the All Terrain Tactical Enforcer was the “multipurpose” walker and tank used during the Clone Wars. It was state-of-the art technology with its 6 laser cannon turrets and projectile cannon. Besides, it just looks cool. 

9. TIE Fighters

While we may agree that the X-Wing is better than the TIE Fighter (see below), the latter is still quite cool. TIE Fighters tend to get decimated in galactic battles, but they have features that earn a number 9 spot on this list.

As the video below explains, TIE Fighters have a very “sensible design for their role” in the Empire. That is, these war machines are “more of an interceptor” with a primary role of protecting “larger imperial ships.” They are meant to fend off the X-Wings, regardless of how many are lost. TIE Fighters are solid machines in speed, maneuverability, and laser cannons.

Star Wars is Lying to You... Why the Tie Fighter is GREAT!

8. Droidekas 

Hailing from the Clone Wars, but from the Separatist side, Droidekas were appropriately called “destroyer droids.” They could roll up into a ball and move at 75 kilometers per hour. These weapons had strong shield generators that could be used while blasting an opponent. For their deadly deployment, Droidekas earn a spot on this list. 

7. Mandalorian Basilisk War Droid

The video below (almost 2 minutes into it) discusses the Mandalorian Basilisk War Droid as an excellent ground vehicle in Star Wars. We can also include it as an overall cool and “extremely capable” war machine. The War Droid could operate without a driver and developed “an emotional bond with its driver.” It could also fly and carry plenty of weapons. Those capabilities come in handy for hectic battles and an incredible style. 

The Best Ground Vehicles in Star Wars | DREAM TEAM

6. Republic LAAT Gunship

The Republic LAAT/i Gunship was the ultimate troop deployment vehicle. While it transported clone troopers, it also provided “air-to-ground and air-to-air support” during attacks. You can see it in action in the video below, along with a diagram of its twin missile system, rotating blaster cannons, and front and back laser cannons. Useful and deadly at the same time. 

Why the LAAT gunship was actually TERRIFYING

5. Slave I

As Boba Fett’s ship, the Slave I has possibly the best design of all Star Wars ship-war machines. Technically, the ship is a modified Firespray-class patrol and attack craft.

Yet, with its vertical liftoff and tail blaster cannons, the Slave I brings style and substance. It was also Jango Fett’s ship first, harboring a unique past that was passed on to Boba. This video explores its origins, design, and name, and how it became “widely feared across the galaxy.”

Why is Boba Fett's ship called Slave One?

4. X-Wings

On the Rebel side, X-Wings are central to the galactic war and all the Star Wars movies. The video below conveys 10 secret facts about X-Wings that distinguish them, including how they were originally made for the Empire, their effective fighting ability, and their multiple versions.

Star Wars: 10 Secrets Behind X-Wings You Need To Know

To this last point, the X-Wing comes in T-65B, T-65C-A2, T-70, and T-85 models. The T-70 in The Force Awakens recaptured audiences with its sleek, orange-grey design, along with the improved firepower. 

The X-Wing flew throughout the saga and into shows like The Mandalorian and The Skeleton Crew. 

3. Imperial Star Destroyers

Imperial Star Destroyers are definitive weapons for the Empire. They are deadly and impressive. This article refers to them as “unquestionably the most dangerous” and the war machine that helped define the imperial presence.

From the opening scene of A New Hope when an Imperial I-Class Star Destroyer tracked down Tantive IV, we have been captivated by these ships. The Devastator was the flagship of Lord Vader before the more awe-inspiring Executor that helped define the Imperial presence in The Empire Strikes Back. 

Because of the way they frame the Empire, Star Destroyers rank third as the coolest war machines.

2. The Death Star

As a classic moon-size battle station, the First Death Star takes the number two position on this list. Its “planet-destroying superlaser” is a chief reason because it spreads terror and fear across the galaxy.

We know how the original Death Star destroyed Alderaan, and we may know how it wiped out Despayre. It had a Class 4 hyperdrive, heavy turbo-laser batteries, Super Blaster laser cannons, and almost 2 million people on board, among other features.  

Although Luke managed to blow it up, it was replicated with the Death Star 2 and mimicked with the Starkiller Base. The Imperials to the First Order just would not give up on this superweapon. It’s worth noting that the Starkiller Base had stronger firepower, but it was not the original awe-inspiring war machine.

1. AT-AT Walkers

AT-AT Walkers take the number one spot. Since they burst on the scene in Empire Strikes Back, they announced an awesome imperial presence and destructive firepower. Despite the Rebels taking down a few at the Battle of Hoth, this all-terrain armored attack vehicle is “one of the most famous symbols of the Empire’s military might.”

We have several variations of this war machine, but the model used at Hoth remains the most impressive because of its grand entrance and fighting capabilities. Its chin-mounted heavy laser cannons and temple-mounted blasters are among its coolest features.

The First Order AT-M6 also deserves an honorable mention as a massive follow-up model with incredible firepower. 

Many fans would agree that these war machines are “iconic” and that “something about them just clicks.” For some of us, they conjure up memories of the first viewing of the second original movie, arguably the best in the whole Skywalker saga.