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Are Temple Guards Jedi?

Are Temple Guards Jedi?

Everyone needs a place to rest their head at night. 

No matter how big, small, or important you think you are, everyone deserves a place to call home. 

Of course, the Jedi are no different. 

Everyone in the Jedi Order, from Padawans to Jedi Masters, resides in a collective place called the Jedi Temple

Similar to student accommodations at a college, the Jedi Temple has dorms for each person to sleep in, a common area, and extra amenities. 

Naturally, just like the student accommodations, the Jedi Temple also has a security system in place to protect them from outsiders. 

The only people who are allowed to enter the Jedi Temple are those who are Jedi, allies of the Jedi, or those who have official business with the Jedi High Council.

Given this fact, does that mean that the Jedi Temple Guards are also Jedi? 

Keep reading this article to find out.

Are Temple Guards Jedi?

Jedi Temple Guards are, in fact, Jedi. 

As a part of the time-honored tradition to continue in their servitude to the Galactic Republic, a few Jedi Knights step down from their ranks and become Temple Guards. 

The Jedi Knights are usually anonymously chosen to be a guard, and from there they are to carry out their duties just as well as they would have as a Jedi Knight. 

Generally, they have done exactly that for as long as the Temple has stood. 

That was until the Great Jedi Purge

Jedi Temple Guards - Star Wars Explained

Are Temple Guards Stronger Than Jedi?

The Temple Guards are impressively strong and are arguably stronger than Jedi Knights. 

This is a bit confusing considering they were Jedi Knights themselves, but let me explain. 

The Jedi are the peacekeeping guardians of the galaxy. 

They are trained in how to use the Force and in general defense of themselves. Beyond that, they honestly don’t have a lot going for them.  

The Jedi are undoubtedly proficient in the Force; however, if they didn’t have the Force, they wouldn’t be much more than regular street fighters, boxers, or wrestlers. 

The Jedi Temple Guards, on the other hand, have more combat training. 

This is because they have a duty to protect the Temple and its inhabitants. 

That being said, the Jedi Temple Guards could take on mid-to high-level Jedi Knights. Additionally, they are even able to hold their own against lower-ranking Jedi Masters.

Why Do Temple Guards Have Yellow Lightsabers?

Jedi Temple Guards have lightsabers that are unique to them. 

Sporting two brilliantly yellow blades, the Jedi Temple Guards have thick, double-edged lightsabers. 

Lightsabers usually get their color in response to the Jedi wielding it; however, the Temple guards are supposed to remain anonymous. 

This is why they are all given the same yellow lightsabers

Had they kept their original lightsabers, they would not have been anonymous. Their true identities could have been discovered by other Jedi Knights or perhaps even an enemy. 

Therefore, each guard is handed a new yellow lightsaber to maintain their anonymity. 

What was the Fate of the Temple Guards?

Originally, the Temple Guards did a great job and protected the Jedi Temple for millennia. That was until the Great Jedi Purge, formerly known as Order 66, came about. 

To preface, Order 66 was kick-started when the Galactic Republic’s Clone Troopers were corrupted during their creation. This bug in their system was put in place so the Clones would see the Jedi as the enemy of the Republic. Clone Troopers in a battle

Then, pure pandemonium ensued. 

While the Clones were busy wiping out any and every Jedi they could find, Darth Vader and his soldiers stormed the Temple and started attacking everyone. 

Even though the Jedi put up a good fight, Darth Vader’s efforts were successful as he was able to drastically reduce the number of Jedi. 

This poses the question, how many Jedi survived? Of those that survived, were there any Temple Guards?

Let’s dive into the answers. 

Did Temple Guards Survive Order 66?

The Temple Guards were arguably hit the hardest by the attack because they were the first line of defense against the intruders. 

Darth Vader and his army of wrongdoers had to get past the Temple Guards to even gain access to the other areas of the Temple. 

For that reason, the Temple Guards were essentially slaughtered. Most of them inevitably died at the hands of the beast himself, Darth Vader, previously known as Anakin Skywalker

As tragic as it was, all the Jedi Temple Guards that passed away at least had the comfort of knowing that they died valiantly in the line of duty.

Those who survived only did so because they abandoned their posts. 

The guards who left their posts were exiled for leaving the line of duty when they were needed the most. 

The Sad Fate of The Jedi Temple Guards - Star Wars Explained

How many Jedi survived Order 66? 

The Jedi Order started as a boisterous force to be reckoned with. 

Having one of the largest armies in the galaxy gave them an intimidating advantage. 

There were approximately 10,000 Jedi Knights in the Order. This number does not account for the Padawans or past Jedi Masters. 

Despite that, Order 66 obliterated that number. 

After the accurately named Great Jedi Purge, the Jedi Order was 99 percent gone. 

It’s speculated that only 100 Jedi were left as the survivors.  


The Jedi Temple was a sacred place that was designated for the Jedi to find solace. A place where they can rest, train, learn, meditate and do whatever else they need to do. 

Given how special the Temple was there’s no wonder it needed to be guarded.

Of course, these guards were no strangers. They were plucked right from the Jedi Knights and were given special lightsabers to ensure their anonymity. 

The Jedi Temple Guards were specially trained in combat so that they were able to defend the Temple if need be. 

Turns out this training came in handy because the Temple was stormed and around 9,900 Jedi were killed. 

When the carnage was unleashed, being the first line of defense did not bode well for the Jedi Temple Guards. They were almost completely wiped out.

Those who weren’t killed understandably ran away. 

Granted, that did not end well for them as they had a responsibility to protect the Temple. 

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