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Can Jedi Have Pets?

Can Jedi Have Pets?

Anyone who has had a pet knows that it can be the best thing to happen to you. Pets can give you a sense of happiness and companionship that you just can’t find in another person. 

Nowhere else can you find the sense of loyalty and unwavering love that you’ll get in your little furry buddy, or whatever type of pet you’re into. 

Just imagine coming home after a long, stressful day at work or school, only to be greeted by the happiest, biggest and most cuddly moments from your pet. 

So, of course, we would all want the inhabitants of the Star Wars universe to be as happy as us pet owners usually are. 

Now, it’s safe to assume that non Force users, as well as others in the galaxy, can have a  pet if they so desire. But what about our peaceful friends, the Jedi? Can they have pets or is that an infringement on their Jedi Code? 

You asked and the answers are here. So without further ado, let’s dive into this topic. 

Can Jedi Have Pets?

The life of a Jedi, while seemingly awesome, sounds painfully depressing at times. Thanks to the Jedi Code there is an incredibly strict set of rules that all Jedi must adhere to. 

The Jedi Code - The path of Peace & Justice

While the code is deemed to be set in place to avoid the Jedi going down the path to the dark side of the Force, it restricts a lot of otherwise normal behavior. 

One such restriction is the deterrence of forming attachments. Whether they be in friendships, romance, or any other type, it does not matter. They are all essentially forbidden. 

Given that, it’s a fair assumption that Jedi would not generally have pets. While the Jedi Code does not outright state that a Jedi must not have a pet, this type of relationship requires an attachment. 

Let’s face it, it is almost impossible to own a pet, be responsible for its life and wellbeing, and not get attached. Especially if you are a warrior for peace like our brothers on the light side of the Force are. 

Are there any pets in Star Wars?

Star Wars is sort of like a modified, fantasy ridden version of our reality. Thus, there would be a couple of pets here and there sprinkled throughout the galaxy. 

Wherever there are animals there is the potential to have pets. But what kind of pets are there in Star Wars?

All Star Wars Porgs

Well, even though the animals in Star Wars are anything but basic, they do bear some resemblance to the animals we know and love. Like the heart-meltingly adorable puffin-like creatures, the Porgs

These doe-eyed, little balls of pure fluffy heaven are just the tip of the iceberg. Even some animals that are reminiscent of man’s best friend, none other than a dog. 

Are there dogs in Star Wars?

All dogs are good dogs, regardless of the universal realm, they exist in. There’s no denying this fact, even in Star Wars. 

Top 10 Dogs in Star Wars

Dogs were a prominent part of the Franchise. They were mainly owned by humans and another species known as Talz, even though virtually anyone could have one. The more adventurous of the bunch would seek out ownership of a  wolf instead of the more domesticated dog. 

Believe it or not, Luke Skywalker owned a dog as a young child. A memory that he would carry with all throughout his life. Just like Luke, Lando Calrissian also owned a dog.

Unfortunately, the story of Lando’s dog is a tragic one. He had to bear witness as his furry best friend was run over by a hovercraft. A memory that haunted him well into his adult years. 

That is a memory that would haunt any of us just as it did him.

Can Jedi talk to animals?

Despite not usually owning pets, Force users have a unique ability to communicate with them. Though this Force ability is mainly used by the good guys, the Jedi. 

Cute dog and cat together

This ability is known as Animal Friendship. Now I know what you might be thinking, wouldn’t this cause an attachment? Isn’t this against the rules? 

Well, not exactly, Animal Friendship is a form of bonding with an animal that is generally wild. This allows for the Jedi to communicate with the animal. Ultimately leading to it being tamed. 

Once tamed, respectfully, of course, the animal can then be used by the Jedi for various purposes. However, tamed animals are usually used as guard beasts, or as mounting animals. 

Animal Friendship is used as more of a business transaction than a relationship. Once calmed, the animal is then put to work by the Force user. Thus, it poses as no infringement on the Jedi Code. 

What is forbidden for a Jedi?

Following the Jedi Code, the major thing that is forbidden would be any attachment, whether it be romantic or otherwise. 

It is believed that an attachment of any type would cause a surplus of emotions. Even though these emotions can, and most times do, begin positively, that often changes. 

emotions icon

This surplus of emotion can lead to jealousy, greed, hatred, and much more. Once those poisonous traits step in, the Jedi can no longer keep a clear mind, which will understandably disrupt their peace. 

From there, it’s just a slippery slope down the path that leads to the dark side of the Force.  Every rule has someone to break it. That individual was none other than Anakin Skywalker

Anakin bluntly ignored the rule as he had an attachment to his mother, Shmi Skywalker. While we may all be thinking that this is something normal, the Jedi Order did not agree with that sentiment. 


At some point, most people would want a pet in their life; a creature to love and who will love you. 

Be it a dog, cat, hamster, dove, fish, snake, or whatever you fancy. The occupants of the planets that make up the Star Wars universe are no different. 

Force users do have a leg up as they can get into the minds of the animals and tame them for themselves. 

Even so, most of the Jedi don’t gravitate towards owning a pet as that is an inevitable attachment that they can’t afford to make.