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“General” vs. “Knight”: Which Title Did Anakin Preferred More?

“General” vs. “Knight”: Which Title Did Anakin Preferred More?

Hey Star Wars fans! Have you ever wondered which title Anakin Skywalker preferred more: General or Knight? 

Let’s explore this question and see what fans and experts have to say about Anakin’s preferences and why he might have leaned towards one title over the other.

General vs. Knight

Before diving into Anakin’s preferences, let’s clarify the differences between the titles of General and Knight.

1. General 

In the context of the Clone Wars, many Jedi were given military ranks to lead the Grand Army of the Republic. 

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As a General, Anakin commanded clone troopers in battle, strategized military operations, and was responsible for leading his troops to victory.

This role required strong leadership, quick decision-making, and the ability to inspire and command respect from soldiers.

2. Knight

The title of Jedi Knight is a traditional rank within the Jedi Order. Jedi Knights are protectors of peace and justice, skilled in the use of the Force and lightsaber combat. 

They undertake various missions assigned by the Jedi Council, which can range from diplomacy and investigation to combat and defense. 

As a Knight, Anakin was expected to uphold the Jedi Code, maintain emotional discipline, and act as a guardian of the galaxy.

Now that we’ve clarified the roles, let’s delve into why Anakin might have preferred one title over the other.

Anakin Skywalker as a Knight and a Gểnal

1. The Glory of Being a General

Anakin Skywalker, also known as General Skywalker, was a hero during the Clone Wars. He performed incredible feats on the battlefield, earning the respect and admiration of his troops. 

As a general, Anakin was in his element. He loved the thrill of combat and the attention that came with being a war hero. 

His men would follow him anywhere because they knew he was capable of achieving the impossible.

Anakin enjoyed the camaraderie and respect he found among his soldiers. Unlike the often rigid and dogmatic Jedi Order, his troops appreciated his talents and leadership. 

This respect and validation were crucial for Anakin, who often felt like an outsider among the Jedi.

2. The Responsibilities of a Knight

As a Jedi Knight, Anakin was part of an ancient and respected order. He had always dreamed of becoming a Jedi, but the reality was more complicated. 

The Jedi Order, with its strict rules and slow-moving bureaucracy, often frustrated Anakin. He preferred action and direct involvement over meditation and council meetings.

In the “Revenge of the Sith” novelization, it’s clear that Anakin was more comfortable in the field than in the political machinations of Coruscant. 

He volunteered for dangerous missions because it allowed him to escape his inner turmoil and focus on what he did best: fighting and leading. 

His attachment to Padme and his internal conflicts also made the Jedi lifestyle challenging for him.

3. A Soldier’s Respect

Anakin’s relationship with his men was one of mutual respect. He cared deeply for his troops, possibly even more than he did for the Jedi Order itself. 

This bond made him a beloved general, and his soldiers valued his leadership. Anakin’s experiences as a former slave might have also influenced his empathy towards the clones, who were bred solely for war and had little say in their destiny.

Anakin’s background as a former slave who rose to become one of the most powerful Jedi made him unique. He understood the feeling of being undervalued and controlled, which created a deep bond between him and the clone troopers. 

Unlike many Jedi, Anakin viewed the clones as individuals with their own personalities and not just expendable soldiers. 

He took the time to learn their names, understand their strengths and weaknesses, and genuinely care for their well-being. This respect and personal connection made Anakin’s troops fiercely loyal to him. 

They saw him as a leader who was not only powerful but also empathetic and fair.

Anakin and Clones

This contrasted sharply with his relationship with the Jedi Council, who often doubted his commitment and methods. 

Despite his extraordinary abilities, the Council questioned his readiness and denied him the rank of Master, leading to feelings of resentment. 

Anakin felt the Council didn’t fully trust or respect him, which fueled his frustration and sense of alienation from the Jedi Order. 

This need for respect and validation played a significant role in his eventual turn to the dark side.

Anakin in the Jedi council

The Best of Both Worlds?

While Anakin was officially a Jedi Knight, the title of General held a special significance for him. It represented his achievements and the trust his soldiers placed in him. 

As a general, Anakin was on equal footing with other Jedi Masters in the military context, which provided a sense of validation he craved.

Anakin’s dual roles also highlight a key difference between him and other Jedi like Obi-Wan Kenobi. 

Obi-Wan valued his identity as a Jedi Knight more than his role as a general. For Anakin, however, being a general offered a form of recognition and respect that he didn’t always receive from the Jedi Order.


So, which title did Anakin prefer more: General or Knight? Based on his actions and attitudes, it seems Anakin cherished his role as a General. 

It provided him with the respect, camaraderie, and sense of purpose he longed for. While he respected the Jedi Order and its teachings, the battlefield was where he truly felt at home.

What do you think? Do you agree that Anakin preferred being a General over a Jedi Knight? Share your thoughts, and may the Force be with you!

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