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How Ben Solo Carried the Entire Sequel Trilogy

How Ben Solo Carried the Entire Sequel Trilogy

Let’s talk about the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy. You’ve got all these amazing characters, right? 

But there’s this one guy who really steals the show – Ben Solo, or as you might know him, Kylo Ren. 

This article is all about how Ben Solo, with his unique Force powers and personal journey, becomes the main character of the trilogy. 

We’ll look at his struggles, his transformation, and how all of this shapes the story of the Sequel Trilogy. 

Kylo Ren’s Backstory

Kylo Ren

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 As a Skywalker, Ben Solo demonstrated extraordinary abilities from a young age, a testament to his profound connection with the Force.

The last time we witnessed a menacing Sith Lord was Darth Vader, a character so iconic that none could surpass his on-screen presence. 

Then came Kylo Ren, a character who seemed perfect in every aspect. His menacing appearance, coupled with a unique lightsaber unlike any Sith Lord’s, made him an instant fan favorite.

However, Kylo Ren was not merely a new Darth Vader. His relationship with the dark side was far more complex. 

Unlike Vader, who sought to conquer the dark side, Kylo Ren found himself its prisoner. He did not choose the dark side; instead, he was overwhelmed by it, ensnared in its relentless grip.

His transformation from Ben Solo to Kylo Ren is a tale of struggle, power, and a desperate search for identity. 

It is a narrative as compelling as it is tragic, making him one of the most fascinating characters in the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy.

Kylo Ren’s Force Powers: A Unique Blend of Darkness and Light

Kylo Ren

Looking at Ben Solo, we see that his powers include both good and bad sides. These powers show his inner struggle and are really important in the story of the trilogy.

His powers, which include both light and dark elements, reflect his internal conflict and are crucial to the trilogy’s events. 

He can move objects with his mind, even stopping a blaster bolt in mid-air, showing a new level of mastery over the Force. His ability to probe minds further highlights his power and complexity.

One of his most unique abilities is forming a Force Dyad with Rey. This special connection, which allows them to communicate over long distances and transfer physical objects, is a key part of the trilogy’s story. 

It not only adds depth to his character but also greatly affects the plot and other characters, especially Rey.

Ben Solo’s journey from a Jedi student to Kylo Ren, a leader in the First Order, and then back to Ben Solo, is central to the trilogy. 

His transformation, filled with personal challenges and a search for his true self, drives the story forward. 

His redemption in ‘The Rise of Skywalker’ marks his full transformation from a villain to a hero, just like his grandfather, bringing the trilogy to a satisfying end.

Character Arc

Kylo Ren

In the beginning, we see Ben Solo as a young Jedi trainee under the guidance of his uncle, Luke Skywalker. 

However, a misunderstanding leads Ben to believe that Luke has betrayed him, pushing him towards the dark side. 

This marks the birth of Kylo Ren, a powerful figure in the First Order, and the start of his complex character arc.

Kylo Ren’s character is constantly evolving throughout the trilogy. In “The Force Awakens”, he is portrayed as a conflicted character, torn between the light and dark sides of the Force. 

His inner turmoil is evident in his interactions with his father, Han Solo, whom he tragically kills in an attempt to sever his ties to his past.

“The Last Jedi” delves deeper into Kylo Ren’s character. We see him questioning his allegiance to the First Order and his master, Supreme Leader Snoke. 

His connection with Rey also intensifies, adding another layer to his character. Despite his attempts to persuade Rey to join him, she refuses, leaving him in a state of isolation and desperation.

In “The Rise of Skywalker”, Kylo Ren’s character arc reaches its climax. After a series of confrontations with Rey, he is finally redeemed by his mother’s love and Rey’s faith in him. 

He renounces the dark side, becoming Ben Solo once again. In a final act of selflessness, he sacrifices his life to revive Rey, signifying his complete transformation from a villain to a hero.

Ben’s Journey is Absolutely Intriguing

Kylo Ren and Ben Solo

Despite the captivating presence of Kylo Ren, it’s essential to remember that he was once Ben Solo, a character with his own unique journey. 

Ben Solo, the son of two legendary figures, Han Solo and Leia Organa, was a character filled with potential and promise. From a young age, he exhibited extraordinary abilities, a testament to his strong connection with the Force.

However, the path of Ben Solo was not an easy one. His transformation into Kylo Ren was a result of a series of complex events and personal struggles. 

His journey was not just about power or control, but also about identity and belonging. He was a character torn between his legacy and his destiny.

His struggle with the dark side, in particular, was a significant aspect of his character. 

In the end, Ben Solo’s journey is a tale of struggle, power, and a desperate search for identity. 

It’s a narrative as compelling as it is tragic, making him one of the most fascinating characters in the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy. 


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