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How Darth Vader Discovered The Jedi Council’s Biggest Secret

How Darth Vader Discovered The Jedi Council’s Biggest Secret

The story begins in the comic series Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Ghost Prison. In the first episode, we are invited to the graduation ceremony of the Imperial Officers on Coruscant.

Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader attend the ceremony to congratulate the newly graduated young Imperial Officers.

However, this ceremony is a setup by the Rebels, who have planted a spy with the mission to kill Palpatine and Darth Vader.

During the ceremony, a virus is released into the air, taking everyone by surprise.

Palpatine is nearly killed by the attack, but his connection to the Force helps him resist the virus, though he is left in poor condition. After getting Palpatine to a safe place, Darth Vader sets out to find the spy.

Coruscant is a large place, but Vader believes the spy is hiding in one of the secret places, specifically the abandoned Jedi Temple. 

Vader heads to the Jedi Temple and searches room by room without finding any clues. He then stops in the Jedi Council room and activates a hologram recording.

In the recording, we see the Jedi Council questioning Anakin Skywalker harshly. Anakin asks, “I’ve captured dozens of Dooku’s most trusted lieutenants. Dangerous Force wielders and psychopaths.” 

The Council responds, “Are you asking for another promotion, Anakin?” Anakin replies, “Of course not, Master. I just want to know why everyone I defeat seems to vanish the moment I hand them over… to you?

The Jedi Council does not reveal what happens to the prisoners. The truth is that the Jedi have been secretly building a prison called the Prism, also known as the Ghost Prison, to hold these dangerous captives.

Realizing the truth, Vader is furious with the Jedi Council. He uses the Force to lift Yoda’s seat and throw it out the window, shouting, “You fools! The Emperor was right about you all. You plotted and schemed against us from the beginning! Traitors!

During the recording, Vader discovered where the Prism was located. He went to the Prism and asked the prisoners to help him take back Coruscant. 

The spy had revealed that Gentis was controlling all the Imperial Officers and was a big threat to the Empire.

Vader knew he couldn’t fight an entire armed army alone, so he asked the prisoners in the Prism for help. He promised them freedom or a chance to join the Empire after the battle.

Unfortunately, more than half of the prisoners refused to help and were killed by Vader. However, a few prisoners agreed to aid Vader in retaking Coruscant.

How Darth Vader Found Out The Jedi Council's BIGGEST Secret - Star Wars Explained
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