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Mace Windu BLAMES Yoda For Order 66 Wiping Them Out

Mace Windu BLAMES Yoda For Order 66 Wiping Them Out

I think we can all agree that the Sith orchestrated Order 66 to perfection. But what if the Jedi’s downfall wasn’t entirely their doing?

In a surprising twist from one of Marvel’s Star Wars comics, we see visions of fallen Jedi—and among them, Mace Windu—placing the blame squarely on Yoda.

This is how the story goes.

The Vision of Mace Windu in Yoda’s Dark Side Cave

In Star Wars: Yoda #10, Yoda faces haunting visions of fallen Jedi, including Mace Windu, during his time on Dagobah. 

The issue, titled “The Cave,” is the final chapter of Marvel’s comic miniseries about the legendary Jedi Master. 

Released on August 2, 2023, it explores Yoda’s inner struggles and guilt as he confronts his greatest fears.

Mace Windu BLAMES Yoda For Order 66 Wiping them out!

The story begins with Yoda having a terrifying nightmare. He sees the Death Star, zombified versions of Anakin as a child, a slain youngling, and even Qui-Gon Jinn.

These visions leave Yoda shaken, and he wakes up suddenly in his hut. 

The Force spirit of Obi-Wan Kenobi appears, calmly asking, “Another bad dream?

To clear his mind, Yoda steps outside to gather herbs for his soup. Obi-Wan tags along, and the two stumble across a cave. 

Obi-Wan follows him, and the two discover a cave—a dark place familiar to us as the one where Luke Skywalker later faces his trial in The Empire Strikes Back.

Keep in mind, that this story is set between A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back.

Obi-Wan encourages Yoda to enter the cave, urging him to confront the darkness within himself. Initially, Yoda resists, but Obi-Wan’s insistence eventually convinces him. Reluctantly, Yoda steps inside, and the deeper he ventures, the more disturbing his visions become.

Yoda first encounters a spectral image of Count Dooku, appearing as a Sith. 

Dooku accuses Yoda of failing him and indirectly pushing him toward the dark side. 

Terrified of what he sees, Yoda collapses to the ground, muttering, “No… no…

The scene shifts, and Yoda finds himself lying atop a mountain of skulls. These skulls represent the fallen Jedi, including younglings and Masters alike, victims of the Jedi Purge. 

Rising from this grim pile is none other than Mace Windu, who confronts Yoda with the damning words, “You were our teacher.” 

This vision reveals Yoda’s deeply buried guilt—his belief that he bears responsibility for the Jedi Order’s downfall.

As Yoda sinks deeper into the mountain of skulls, he begins to question his own worth. However, he eventually rallies, rejecting the notion that he alone is to blame. 

Determined, Yoda fights back against the visions of flaming Anakin Skywalker, Sith Lord Count Dooku, and Emperor Palpatine.

With his resolve strengthened, Yoda escapes the cave, completing his trial.

The issue concludes with Yoda emerging from the darkness, having confronted his fears and guilt, now ready to continue his exile and prepare for Luke Skywalker’s eventual arrival.