Star Wars is a franchise filled with many competent characters. Even so, some were unquestionably more skilled than others. There were the likes of Jedi Grand Master Yoda, Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader, Darth Sidious (Chancellor/Emperor Sheev Palpatine), and more. These characters possessed Force and combat abilities that made them appear unstoppable. Count Dooku, the Jedi-turned-Sith, …
Star Wars occurs in a fictional universe that sometimes mirrors our own. Of course, there are some outlandish technologies and ideas (like the entire concept of Force Powers), but some postulations have an intriguing premise about them. The galaxy’s concept of space travel is one such idea. In the franchise, there are two possibilities for …
For good reason, Darth Vader was voted as television’s greatest villain. In battle, he was ruthless, cold-hearted, and willing to annihilate anyone in his way if it meant he could be one step closer to his goal. On a deeper level, Lord Vader is a complex, intelligent individual whose emotional turmoil often mimics that of …
As many Star Wars fans know, Darth Vader began his life as Anakin Skywalker. He was a brilliant and talented Jedi, on track to dominate the Jedi Order. Of course, being regarded as the “Chosen One” gave Anakin a bit of an ego. Because of this, he felt entitled to certain things, like promotions, even …
Darth Vader, previously Anakin Skywalker, endured many hardships in his life. From the Clone Wars, to Anakin’s “death” on Mustafar, it’s understandable that he’d end up having trouble with his memory. A prominent example that fans frequently ask about is Darth Vader’s encounter with R2-D2 and C-3PO in Cloud City. His actions suggest that he …
If you’re a diehard Star Wars fan or a complete newbie to the franchise, there’s a high chance you’ve heard of Lord Vader. Whether it’s because of his strained breathing, intimidating armor, or famously misquoted line, “No, I am your father,” Darth Vader’s allure stretches far and wide. More often than not, watching Darth Vader’s …
Star Wars often uses abbreviations. R2-D2 and C-3PO, for example, are abbreviated names for models of droids. Stormtroopers also use letters and numbers for their names. For example, TK-5331 is a stormtrooper who was stationed on the planet Lothal and part of Squad Five. Later films used the reference FN for stormtroopers. What do TK …
The scavenger-turned-Jedi Rey Skywalker showed herself to be exceptionally strong with the Force throughout the Sequel Trilogy of the Skywalker Saga. Even though her parentage was revealed in Episode IX, there are still questions surrounding her origins and relations. Is it possible that Rey is somehow related to Darth Vader? There is little to no …
In the Star Wars universe, Darth Vader can do incredible things. By using the Force, he can levitate huge objects. He can even keep starships from flying away, as he did in the final episode of the Obi-Wan Kenobi television series With all these powers, can Darth Vader fly? Vader seems to be able to …
The Star Wars galaxy is split between the light and dark sides, which are reflective of good and evil. On the “good” side, there were the Jedi (and other light-side Force-sensitives) who were affiliated with the Galactic Republic. Conversely, the “evil” side housed the Sith and other dark side Force-sensitives and was connected to the …