Star Wars takes place in a fictional galactic universe. As such, there are species and races beyond what we have in our universe. In the galaxy, they are generally separated into three classifications: sentient, non-sentient, and semi-sentient. The galaxy has over twenty million sentient species that are, more often than not, mistakenly referred to as …
Darth Maul was one of the most vicious and ruthless Sith in Star Wars. Of course, his stony-hearted personality was amplified because the one and only Darth Sidious trained him. Darth Maul undeniably accomplished many impressive feats in his day, but despite everything we know about him, some things are still a bit puzzling. He …
Tatooine is a dry, dusty world that is perhaps best known as the home planet of the Tusken Raiders, or Sand People. Yet, Tatooine is also home to the animals that the Sand People ride–banthas. Appearing in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, banthas were the first creatures of the famed film series. Yet, …
Yoda is a formidable Jedi, one who displays a wide range of Force abilities and general bad-ass-ery. There seems to be no limit to what Yoda is capable of and his Force powers are many. His telekinetic abilities are unrivaled and his lightsaber skills are legendary. Buth these are just two examples of the Force …
General Grievous first made his on-screen appearance in the animated, non-Canon version of the Clone Wars. That was until he was given a more standout role in Revenge of the Sith. Despite how loved he was as a character, there are quite a few things about the General that confused his fans. One such thing …
Born in Corellia, Han Solo was a human male, who made a name for himself as a smuggler. He began his life simply being called Han until he gained the name Solo from an Imperial Recruitment Officer. Han Solo amassed galaxy-wide fame for his infamous twelve-parsec Kessel Run with the Millenium Falcon. From that point …
Leia is the first true protagonist we meet in Star Wars and we learn early on that she is a princess. We later discover through backstory that she was Luke Skywalker’s twin sister and Darth Vader’s daughter. So how did she end up as a princess? To find out how Leia became a princess, we …
If you’ve ever seen any of the Star Wars movies, you know that the Millennium Falcon is an exceptionally fast, modified cargo ship. But have you ever wondered exactly how fast the ship can travel? There is no simple answer to how fast the Millennium Falcon is. A lot of people have speculated about its …
The Death Star was a massive space station that was equipped with super lasers capable of destroying planets. Needless to say, the Death Star would have sparked fear in all who saw it or knew its potential. The Death Star was the first in a long line of super weapons created to serve the Galactic …
You may be wondering whether Obi-Wan Kenobi knew if Anakin Skywalker survived their duel on Mustafar. Following the fight, Obi-Wan took Anakin’s lightsaber and left him to die. So did he realize the man terrorizing the galaxy and hunting down the remaining Jedi was his old apprentice? Obi-Wan discovered Darth Vader was Anakin when the …