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You may think that, during the events of The Mandalorian, the Sith were all but extinct. And this is true to a certain extent.  Not a single Sith Lord was wreaking havoc in the galaxy. However, during The Mandalorian, several Sith were alive off-screen, either biding their time or becoming proxies. Darth Sidious is the …

Read More about What Sith Are Alive During The Mandalorian (Sith, Sith Cultists, Proxies)?

Grogu, also affectionately known as Baby Yoda or The Child, has been an anomaly in the Star Wars universe since his debut.  His miniature stature and adorable features made him a pleasure to watch. Still, he seemed to have power far beyond his years.  Baby Yoda’s journey began as a Jedi Initiate. Even then, he …

Read More about How Strong Is The Force In Baby Yoda?

Before we get to the fun part, let’s cover exactly what it means to “cheat death.” In Star Wars, cheating death could mean prolonging life through Force Hibernation, true resurrection, Holocroms, Essence Transfer, and cloning. It could also mean staying alive through sheer will power. Sith Specters (evil Force ghosts) will also be discussed here. …

Read More about Which Sith Lord Cheated Death?

Grogu, affectionately known as Baby Yoda or The Child, is one of the most adorable Star Wars characters.  Of course, Baby Yoda is a part of the same species as Jedi Grand Master Yoda. Unfortunately for us, that species isn’t exactly known.  As a Jedi Initiate, Baby Yoda was raised in the Jedi Temple with …

Read More about Is Grogu (Baby Yoda) More Powerful Than Yoda?

The darksaber is a unique type of lightsaber wielded by the Mandalore but is this one-of-a-kind weapon any stronger than a traditional lightsaber? In specific scenarios, yes, the darksaber is stronger. It is heavier, allowing the wielder to deliver heavier strikes. It can super-heat beskar, the famously impenetrable metal. But like any weapon, the advantages …

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