The path to becoming a Jedi is long at the best of times, and often full of conflict. In most eras, Jedi Knights or Masters would choose their Padawan, but we learned in The Clone Wars that Jedi are sometimes assigned a Padawan by the Jedi Council. Padawans would undergo a series of trials, ending …
I’ve always wondered—if Jedi can use the Force to manipulate objects and even people’s minds, why couldn’t Obi-Wan just Force yeet General Grievous off a cliff? Turns out, it’s a lot more complicated than I thought. Why Can’t Jedi Use the Force on General Grievous? In the Star Wars prequel film, Revenge of the Sith, …
From the time we are born, we learn to form bonds. Outside of our families, the first type of bond we learn to make is friendship. All throughout our lives we meet strangers, find connections with them, and boom: they become an integral part of our everyday routine. Of course, Star Wars is a pretty …
Armies march by the hundreds and thousands, all to protect their country. Regardless of the size, one can be just as effective as the other. Just take the movie, The 300. Leonidas only had an army of 300 people to stand up against thousands, not to mention men with supernatural abilities. He absolutely bodied the …
Anakin Skywalker was one of the most unpredictable and legendary characters in Star Wars. He was a Force-sensitive human who not only became a Jedi Knight but also had a stint on the dark side. In fact, thanks to Anakin Skywalker shifting paths from light to dark, fans everywhere were given the most iconic character …
The exact number of Jedi Darth Vader killed is unknown, but it has been speculated the numbers are anywhere from nine to around thirty-five. This is based on whether you consider Star Wars Canon or Legends. Out of all the videos and websites I looked at, the following one is the most thorough. It doesn’t …
In the Star Wars universe, the Jedi can do amazing things. They can levitate massive objects by using Force. Yoda does this with Luke’s X-Wing Fighter in Stars Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back. By using the Force, Yoda lifts this enormous fighter out of the Dagobah swamp and onto land. Jedi-turned-Sith Lords can …
Padawan. Jedi. Master. “General Kenobi!” We’ve heard and read these ranks a thousand times and know them by heart. But what do they mean? Who decides who gets a promotion and when? And did they only follow one set of rules/circumstances or did they evolve over time? In the prequels, we can see that the …
When you think Star Wars the odds are good that you’ll be thinking about lightsabers (and want some). But how do they work? We know that the blade is plasma and can cut through almost anything. So, how do you keep it from melting through the hilt, or stop it from making a hole if …
Ever since their introduction to the Star Wars franchise, the Sith and the Jedi have been at each other’s throats. Given that they both exist on opposing sides of the Force, the Sith and the Jedi are natural enemies. They butt heads in every conceivable way. Where the Jedi believe in peace and keeping themselves …