For those who don’t know, a Bounty Hunter is sort of like a freelance police officer. They search for fugitives and other wanted individuals, who are relatively difficult to find. Their jobs were to turn in the target dead or alive, depending on what the employer requested. When the Bounty Hunters do find their mark, …
Often, the difference between good and evil, right and wrong has been clear cut. However, things may not be as clear cut as they seem. In our world, everything is about balance. Because one side of the spectrum often cannot exist without the other, both sides must work in tandem for everything to remain in …
Parachutes appear in both Star Wars Canon and Legends. However, they’re rare, occurring about 16 times throughout the franchise’s history. One reason you find a lack of parachutes in Star Wars is that Jedi freefall from great heights and survive while non-Force-sensitives often use specialized machinery over parachutes. Parachutes appear in Star Wars, but they’re …
Force-sensitive beings are taken from their families when they’re too young to develop emotional connections or any traits that deviate from the Jedi Code. They go on to live a sheltered lifestyle, before a select few rise in the rankings as Padawans, Knights, and Masters. Only Force-sensitive beings can become Jedi. However, it takes more …
In this life, everything is fleeting. It is filled with major uncertainties, confusion, heartaches, and much more. The only things that are certain in life are pain, emotional or otherwise, and death. When dealing with the death of another person or loved one there are many ways to grieve and cope. There are places such …
Have you ever wondered what is left for us after death? Where do we go? Do we just aimlessly wander around in nothingness for eternity? Or do we perhaps get to linger around here on earth with our families? Unfortunately, we don’t know what fate waits for us. This is where the Jedi best us. …
For those who aren’t familiar, alcohol is a beverage that has a high percentage of ethanol and octane. Alcohol has the ability to inhibit one’s intuition and has mind-altering effects. As a matter of fact, alcohol has the potential to hold such power over the user that some deem it to be a diluted version …
Most Jedi keep their lightsabers clipped onto a belt on their left side. Though there have been other ways to carry them, this is the most common. They’ve also used sheathes across their backs, (for saberpikes and sometimes broadsabers), as the hilts were too long to carry on their hip easily. The riflesaber was also …
A variety of high-tech weapons exist in Star Wars, yet the Jedi primarily use lightsabers. You may ask why Jedi need lightsabers, and why don’t they seem to need weapons like blasters? Lightsabers are much more than combat weapons; they’re also part of a Jedi’s identity. Most Jedi need lightsabers because using one lessens their …
Like many things regarding the Sith and the Jedi, it’s not a question of can’t. There’s nothing in the laws that forbid it, but due to how they’re made and, of course, the fact that most Sith uses a red lightsaber. This makes a Jedi using a red lightsaber seem in poor taste, and perhaps …
First, some harmless questions: what color + blue = green? Which Jedi did Palpatine, and other Sith Lords, fear? What’s the deal with the cloaked guys in masks outside the Jedi Temple? And finally: Why does a group of space monks need its own assassins?! (They’re supposed to be the good guys, but I keep …
Affectionately known as the Palace of the Jedi, the Jedi Temple was the headquarters of the Jedi Order. The temple contained housing for the Padawans, Jedi Knights, and Jedi Masters alike. Between the timeframe of the Great Sith War and the Great Jedi Purge, the Palace of the Jedi was used for training and important …
Arguably the most important thing in the Star Wars universe is the Force. The Force is created by amalgamating all living things across the galaxy. It is also what bonds all of these living things together, whether they lie on the dark or light side. Despite being a natural thing, the Force can be measured …
Throughout our world, there are governmental structures that are put in place to keep various countries in check. There are even structures that are subsets of the overall head. People such as mayors or constituent leaders are usually put in place to handle specific parts of a country while still reporting to the overall head. …
Obi-Wan Kenobi is one of the Star Wars universe’s most popular Jedi. He’s one of a few Jedi in the Canon that fans watched train as a Padawan under a Jedi Master, become a Jedi Knight, and ultimately a Jedi Master, before becoming one with the Force. Obi-Wan became a Jedi Master in 22 BBY, …
From the moment we are in our mother’s womb we start forming attachments. These bonds only get stronger as we grow older and learn more about ourselves and what we do and do not like. We form attachments to our friends, families, romantic partners, coworkers, teachers, sometimes even our bosses. These attachments allow us to …
A Jedi’s greatest weapon is not a blaster or even a lightsaber; it’s the Force. As old Ben Kenobi once said, “The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It’s an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.” The Force is what gives …
Throughout Star Wars Canon and Legends, Jedi appear to be stronger and faster than the galaxy’s average beings. Although their immense athletic ability raises the question: Is the average Jedi as strong and athletic as they look, or is this the Force at work, or a combo? The average Jedi is physically stronger than the …
The minute we emerge from within the confines of our mother’s womb we begin to age.This process is rapid as time waits for no man. As children, we long to grow up as fast as possible, but that tune soon changes. Once our 20s are over, most of us begin wishing we could rewind the …
Have you ever wondered why some Jedi Disappear when they Die While Others Don’t? Why do Yoda and obi-wan bodies disappear, but Anakin Skywalker and Qui-gong Jinn’s bodies don’t disappear when they die? In this article, this is what we’ll be covering. Why do some Jedi Disappear when they Die? We know that Annakin, Obi-Wan, …