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Ever since Obi Wan Kenobi achieved immortality by becoming a Force ghost in A New Hope, the concept of Force-based life after death has captivated Star Wars fans. In the original trilogy we see Obi Wan, Yoda, and even Annakin Skywalker manifest into glowing spirits and communicate with the living. However, little is known about …

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One of the most iconic things in the Star Wars universe has to be the lightsabers. Whether you’re a long-time fan of the franchise, a newcomer, or you’ve never even seen Star Wars, chances are you’ve heard of a lightsaber.  These majestic weapons have a standardized set of colors that most lightsabers come out as. …

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Power, anger, and hate defined the Sith. And through passion, they believed they could achieve power and become victorious in their quest to rule the Galaxy. But did they succeed in ruling the Galaxy, and by extension, care about the Galaxy? Sheev Palpatine was a madman, but plenty of evidence exists that he cared about …

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If Star Wars Legends and the Skywalker Saga shared a common denominator, it’s that Sith Apprentices like killing. Or at least plotting to kill their Masters. However, Sith Masters have killed their Apprentices, so perhaps this is a two-way street.  Some believe Sith Lords cared about their Apprentices, but it only seems to be the …

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