I used to think all clone troopers had the same fate – born to fight, die in battle, remembered by few. But then I learned about one who lived long enough to see the galaxy change beyond recognition.
He should’ve died like the rest, but fate had other plans. And honestly, his story is one of the strangest in all of Star Wars.
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A Clone Who Wanted Answers
Kix wasn’t just another trooper in the Grand Army of the Republic. He fought in the 501st Legion under Anakin Skywalker and Captain Rex, but what really set him apart was his role as a medic. He wasn’t just about taking down droids – he was about keeping his brothers alive.
He fought in brutal campaigns like Umbara, Saleucami, and Anaxes, but his biggest battle wasn’t against droids or enemy soldiers – it was against a secret buried deep in the Republic.
Kix had always been sharp, and when Tup – one of his fellow clones – suddenly executed Jedi General Tiplar with no explanation, something felt off. Tup kept repeating a chilling phrase:
“Good soldiers follow orders.”
Everyone assumed it was a virus. But Fives, another trooper, refused to accept that. He dug deeper and uncovered the horrifying truth – the clones had inhibitor chips implanted in their brains, designed to force them to betray the Jedi on command.
Fives tried to expose it. He got silenced.
Kix wasn’t about to let that happen again.
The Truth Almost Got Him Killed
After Fives’ death, Kix started his own investigation. He knew something was wrong – he just didn’t know how deep it went. But the more he uncovered, the clearer it became.
The chips weren’t a medical precaution. They weren’t a failsafe. They were part of a plan – a plan designed to wipe out the Jedi when the time was right.
Kix had to warn Anakin, Rex, or anyone who would listen. He didn’t get the chance.
Count Dooku’s spies found out first. The Separatists captured him before he could act. They tortured him for information, but Kix hadn’t spread what he knew yet. Dooku wasn’t about to let him escape.
They froze him in stasis and put him aboard a ship bound for Serenno, where Dooku would decide what to do with him.
That ship never made it.
Republic forces attacked mid-flight, forcing the droids piloting the ship to make a random hyperspace jump.
The ship crash-landed on the desert world of Ponemah Terminal. No one knew it was there. No one came looking.
Kix remained frozen. For 50 years.
Waking Up in a New Galaxy
When Kix finally opened his eyes, everything had changed. The Clone Wars were ancient history. The Jedi were almost extinct. The Empire had risen and fallen. The Republic was gone, and the Rebel Alliance had become the New Republic.
A band of pirates, led by Sidon Ithano, had stumbled upon the wreckage of his ship while searching for Count Dooku’s lost treasure. What they found instead was a clone trooper from a war no one even remembered.
Kix woke up panicked, demanding to speak to the Republic, insisting he had vital information that could save the Jedi.
The pirates just stared at him.
“The Jedi are gone. The war ended decades ago. Palpatine’s dead.”
Kix had missed everything.
The Last Clone Standing
Kix was the last known surviving clone trooper. The last of millions.
But he didn’t just sit around and mourn the past. With nowhere else to go, he joined Ithano’s crew. He wasn’t a soldier anymore, but he still knew how to fight. He still had a purpose, even if it wasn’t the one he had spent his life preparing for.
He let his hair grow out, abandoned his old look, and took on a new life. But deep down, he never truly moved on. His war never ended. His brothers still whispered to him in his mind.
“He used to have millions of brothers… now he’s the last. But he still hears them. They whisper to him. He’s still fighting his war. I don’t think he can ever stop.”
Kix’s Legacy
Kix lived to be over 80 years old, making him the longest-living clone trooper ever recorded.
He could have been the one to stop Order 66 before it happened. He could have changed everything. Instead, fate had other plans.
His war ended without him, his brothers were gone, and the galaxy had moved on. But Kix? He refused to fade away.
He didn’t get a grand final battle, no medals, no recognition. Just a man who kept fighting, even when there was nothing left to fight for.