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Who Does He Hate More: Palpatine or Obi-Wan?

Who Does He Hate More: Palpatine or Obi-Wan?

I always felt bad for Maul — losing his legs, his brother, his sanity — all because of his feud with Kenobi. But then I thought about his last words to Obi-Wan: “He will avenge us.” And suddenly, I realized Maul’s suffering wasn’t just Kenobi’s fault.

Palpatine was the puppet master who took everything from him. In the end, Maul finally saw it too. His hatred for Palpatine ran even deeper than his thirst for revenge on Kenobi.

Maul Reveals His True Enemy with His Last Words

When Maul was dying, he spoke to Obi-Wan Kenobi.

With his last breath, he said, “He will avenge us.”

Star Wars Rebels: Maul vs Ben "He will avenge us"

These words hinted that Maul finally realized who was truly responsible for his suffering.

Despite his lifelong feud with Kenobi, Maul’s last words showed that he hated another character even more: Emperor Palpatine, also known as Darth Sidious.

Maul’s hatred for Palpatine was much deeper than his hatred for Kenobi.

Palpatine took Maul from his family and tortured him, shaping him into a weapon of hatred.

Maul’s entire life was controlled and manipulated by Palpatine.

Palpatine not only replaced Maul but also killed his brother Savage Opress and helped in killing Maul’s mother.

Palpatine’s influence poisoned every part of Maul’s life, making him chase after goals that were never truly his own.

Who Takes the Blame for Maul’s Suffering?

Maul’s hatred for Kenobi was intense, but it was more of a distraction.

Kenobi defeated Maul and took his legs, leaving him with a burning desire for revenge.

However, this hatred was secondary.

As one fan commented, “Maul hated Kenobi by incident. He hated Palpatine by design.” 

This means that while Kenobi was a target Maul could realistically fight, Palpatine was the one who truly shaped Maul’s tragic fate.

Many fans have discussed Maul’s complicated feelings.

One fan noted, “Maul’s hatred of Obi-Wan Kenobi is well documented,” but his last words show he understood that both he and Kenobi were victims of Palpatine.

Another fan said, “Poor Maul, he was a victim of his own life,” highlighting how deeply Palpatine’s actions affected Maul.