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Were the Jedi Ever Aware of Darth Plagueis Existence?

Were the Jedi Ever Aware of Darth Plagueis Existence?

Darth Plagueis. Even the name carries a certain mystery, doesn’t it? We know him as the Sith Lord who, according to Palpatine’s chilling tale, could “save others from death but not himself.” 

But when we talk about the Jedi, the guardians of peace and balance in the galaxy, the question remains: were they ever aware of Darth Plagueis’ existence?

The Jedi’s Knowledge of the Sith Lineage

For centuries, the Jedi Order knew of the Sith’s existence but believed they were extinct after their last known conflict nearly a thousand years before The Phantom Menace. 

The Sith operated in secrecy and erased nearly all traces of their presence from the galaxy, allowing them to stay hidden. 

Most Jedi believed the Sith were long gone and no longer posed a threat—by the time of the prequel era, many thought of the Sith as relics of an ancient past.

This belief is reflected in the conversation between Mace Windu and Ki-Adi-Mundi in The Phantom Menace, when Mundi remarks, “The Sith have been extinct for a millennium,” and Mace responds, “I do not believe the Sith could have returned without us knowing.” 

Anakin's Test - Jedi Council Scene | Star Wars The Phantom Menace (1999) Movie Clip HD 4K

This exchange highlights just how deeply the Jedi trusted that the Sith were a thing of the past.

So, did the Jedi know about the Sith as individuals, like Plagueis? Likely not. 

The Sith went to great lengths to erase any trace of themselves from the galaxy’s history and hide their identities. They had to if they wanted to operate in the shadows. 

The Jedi Order may have had records or suspicions about the general lineage of Sith Lords, but specific names and details? That’s where things get murky.

Yoda May Have Known About Darth Plagueis, But He Kept It a Secret

By the end of the Clone Wars, Yoda had gained profound insight into the Sith and their history. His journey to the ancient Sith homeworld of Moraband brought him face-to-face with the spirit of Darth Bane in his tomb.

When Bane’s spectral form emerged, attempting to intimidate Yoda with his legacy and the Rule of Two, Yoda remained unfazed, calmly stating, “Darth Bane, the ancient Sith lord you are.” 

Yoda meets Darth Bane [4K HDR] - Star Wars: The Clone Wars

This acknowledgment not only confirmed Yoda’s knowledge of the Sith’s legacy but also hinted at his broader understanding of their dark history.

If Yoda knew of Darth Bane, it’s possible he was also aware of Darth Plagueis. 

However, rather than sharing this information openly, Yoda might have chosen to keep it to himself, focusing on the larger picture rather than delving into details that could spark fear or dangerous curiosity.

After all, it’d be a bit odd to imagine Yoda walking up to Count Dooku when he was still Yoda’s apprentice and casually saying, “Do you want to know about Darth Plagueis?” 

Instead, Yoda’s silence on specific Sith Lords likely kept his focus on broader teachings, avoiding unnecessary details that could sow fear or curiosity about the dark side among young Jedi.

A Legends Connection Between the Jedi and Darth Plagueis

In Star Wars Legends through the novel Darth Plagueis by James Luceno, Darth Plagueis operated under the alias Hego Damask, a powerful Muun financier who used his public persona to mingle with key figures across the galaxy—including Jedi. 

In 52 BBY, at a meeting on Serenno, Plagueis crossed paths with several Jedi: Jocasta Nu, Sifo-Dyas, Qui-Gon Jinn, and Count Dooku. 

Though there to mediate a dispute, Plagueis secretly hoped to intensify tensions to weaken faith in the Republic, all while sizing up Dooku and Sifo-Dyas for future manipulation.

During a recess, Plagueis subtly probed the Jedi’s frustrations with the Senate, especially Dooku’s disillusionment with its corruption. 

Seeing an opportunity, he began envisioning an army that could one day fight alongside the Jedi, only to betray them later. 

While he almost shared his knowledge of Kamino’s cloning capabilities with Sifo-Dyas to fuel his fears, Plagueis chose caution, ending the conversation when Jocasta Nu approached.

In just this brief encounter, Plagueis managed to sow seeds of doubt and gain valuable insight, setting the stage for his larger plans—all without ever revealing his true identity as a Sith.

However this is part of Star Wars expanded universe, and last time we get to see Darth Plagueis in the finale of the Acolyte but sadly the series just got cancelled and maybe no longer get any mention in the future Star Wars