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What’s Next for Rey Skywalker? 6 Movie Possibilities We’d Love to See

What’s Next for Rey Skywalker? 6 Movie Possibilities We’d Love to See

With the exciting news that the actress Daisy Ridley will be back as Rey in a new Star Wars movie, fans are buzzing with anticipation about what adventures lie ahead for our favorite Jedi. 

While it’s not yet confirmed if the movie will focus entirely on Rey or include different characters, there’s plenty of room to imagine where her story could go. 

Here are six movie possibilities we’d love to see, each offering a thrilling and imaginative direction for Rey’s story.

1. Rebuilding the Jedi Order

Rey is standing before a temple at a distance

After the fall of the Sith, Rey is left with the immense task of rebuilding the Jedi Order. 

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She could travel across the galaxy to find and train new Jedi, visiting planets rich with the Force, like Ahch-To and Jedha. 

On her journey, she would discover Force-sensitive individuals and teach them the ways of the Jedi. 

This journey wouldn’t be easy. 

Rey would face opposition from those who fear the return of the Jedi and from remnants of the Sith who seek to sabotage her efforts. 

This plotline would highlight Rey’s growth as a leader and mentor, showing her struggles and triumphs in creating a new generation of Jedi.

2. The Search for Ancient Jedi Knowledge

Rey is exploring a Jedi temple remnant

Rey’s journey could take her on a quest to uncover lost Jedi temples and ancient knowledge. 

She might explore the ruins of ancient civilizations, solve puzzles, and decode ancient texts. 

Along the way, she could encounter powerful artifacts and learn forgotten Jedi techniques. 

This search would not only expand her understanding of the Force but also reveal secrets that could change the future of the Jedi Order. 

This plot would be filled with mystery and discovery, giving fans a deeper look into the history of the Jedi.

3. Rey’s Inner Struggle with the Dark Side

Rey is meditating

Even after defeating the Sith, Rey’s battle with the dark side might not be over. 

She could experience visions and temptations from the dark side, struggling to maintain her connection to the light. 

This inner conflict could be sparked by her lineage, as the granddaughter of Emperor Palpatine. 

Rey would have to confront her darkest fears and desires, learning to control and balance her emotions. 

This storyline would provide a deep, emotional exploration of Rey’s character, showing her resilience and determination to remain true to herself and the light side of the Force.

4. Facing a New Galactic Threat

Rey and a mysterious evil figure behind

The galaxy is never safe for long. 

Rey could face a new threat, more dangerous than anything before. 

A powerful warlord could rise from the Outer Rim, with an army of advanced droids and warriors. 

This new enemy could challenge the fragile peace Rey helped to establish. 

Rey would have to gather allies, old and new, to stand against this threat. 

This plot would be action-packed, showcasing Rey’s strategic mind and combat skills as she fights to protect the galaxy from falling into chaos once again.

5. Rey’s Personal Journey and the Legacy of the Skywalkers

Rey is looking at a sunset landscape

Rey’s journey is also about discovering who she is and what it means to carry the Skywalker name. 

She would explore her own identity, struggling with the expectations and legacy left by Luke and Leia. 

Rey might visit important places from the Skywalker past, like Tatooine or Dagobah, seeking guidance from the Force ghosts of her mentors. 

This storyline would be deeply personal, focusing on Rey’s inner growth and her efforts to honor the Skywalker legacy while forging her own path.

6. Rey’s Adventures with Old and New Friends

One of the most exciting aspects of a new Rey movie would be seeing her interact with beloved characters from the Star Wars saga and meeting new allies. 

She could team up with characters like Finn, Poe, and Chewbacca, as well as new heroes from different corners of the galaxy. 

These adventures would be filled with camaraderie, humor, and heart, showcasing the strong bonds between the characters. 

Together, they would face challenges, celebrate victories, and continue the fight for peace and justice in the galaxy.

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