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Where Is the Toilet in the Millennium Falcon?

Where Is the Toilet in the Millennium Falcon?

It may not be the first feature we think about when we picture the Millennium Falcon, but it’s an important one. The Falcon has many distinguishing aspects like its laser cannons and front design. But it also must have a bathroom.

Where is the toilet in the Millennium Falcon? Here is a hint–it’s not in the cockpit. 

Interior Features of the Millenium Falcon

The Millennium Falcon is a definitive ship in Star Wars. We came to love it back with A New Hope. Han Solo’s “fastest hunk of junk in the galaxy” may be best known for its flawed hyperdrive and secret cargo compartments. 

The interior of the Falcon is well-equipped. As a YT-1300 Light Freighter, this ship can be customized to meet certain needs, like smuggling goods in Han’s case. Inside the Falcon, we can see the gun turret access area, the secret compartments, the main hold area, and three holding areas for cargo.

The above video also reveals crucial features like the engine room, escape pods, and crew quarters with a kitchen. However, we do not see a reference to where the toilet is located. 

Where Is the Toilet in the Millennium Falcon?

The toilet may not be among the top features of the Falcon, but it is a necessary one. As such, fans have discussed where it could be.

This discussion board includes a diagram of the Falcon where we can see such areas as engineering stations, crew quarters, and smuggling compartments. One post contributed a second version that reveals “a loo” inside the crew quarters. This would make sense, given our modern-day tendency to locate toilets near bedrooms.

In a third more detailed visual of the Falcon, we can see a room labeled “refresher” (#46) next to the crew quarters (#47) that we could assume is a “shower and toilet.” This is the same floor that Wookieepedia shows to illustrate the extensive interior features of the ship. So, it appears that the facilities are next to where Han, Chewie, and other crew members sleep.

Yet, other sources point out that “recent documentation” shows the toilet “oddly” near the galley or kitchen. Using “nautical terms,” the toilet is referred to as the “head” and is situated between two “bunk” rooms. This is close to the above depictions except here the bathroom is closer to the cockpit side of the ship with the secret compartments across from it through the wall.

This shift in the location of the toilet seems to coincide with how floor plans for the Falcon have been modified over time. This post indicates how a 1987 Star Wars Sourcebook first depicted the toilet “in between a pair triple bunks” before “the main corridor that leads to the cockpit.” That description goes with the map in the last paragraph. Yet, in the 1994 Star Wars Technical Journal, the toilet and shower area moved to the “rear quarter.”

Depending on the floor plans, the toilet is more towards the front or the back of the ship, but usually close to the sleeping areas. Going by Wookiepedia’s illustration may be our safest bet. 

The Falcon’s Restroom

The Millennium Falcon has numerous features both inside and outside that capture our attention. Although not at the top of the list, the Falcon does contain a restroom area. Although its exact location has shifted with different depictions of this hunk of junk, it tends to be near the sleeping quarters.