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Sion Fawkes

Sion Fawkes has been covering Star Wars since January 2022, expanding his expertise in both Star Wars Canon and Legends. When not writing, you can find Sion in the gym or running trails. He also likes watching sports and listening to audiobooks.

In 19 BBY, Order 66 purged the Jedi Order. However, some Jedi survived the attack and went into hiding. Some, like Ahsoka Tano, survived the Imperial Era, but many more did not. A group that hunted down and killed them were dark siders known as the Inquisitorius.  A Sith Inquisitor was a former Jedi who …

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Before we discovered his name, we knew Grogu as either the Child or Baby Yoda. Perhaps Baby Yoda is a more accurate assumption than we initially thought.  Grogu and Yoda share a lot of similar traits. And given the rarity of the species, evidence exists that Yoda is Grogu’s dad.  Grogu’s high Force-sensitivity and midi-chlorian …

Read More about Yaddle’s Mysterious Resignation Hints at Grogu’s Parents

You may think that, during the events of The Mandalorian, the Sith were all but extinct. And this is true to a certain extent.  Not a single Sith Lord was wreaking havoc in the galaxy. However, during The Mandalorian, several Sith were alive off-screen, either biding their time or becoming proxies. Darth Sidious is the …

Read More about What Sith Are Alive During The Mandalorian (Sith, Sith Cultists, Proxies)?

The darksaber is a unique type of lightsaber wielded by the Mandalore but is this one-of-a-kind weapon any stronger than a traditional lightsaber? In specific scenarios, yes, the darksaber is stronger. It is heavier, allowing the wielder to deliver heavier strikes. It can super-heat beskar, the famously impenetrable metal. But like any weapon, the advantages …

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You’re probably wondering how Sheev Palpatine evolved from a galactic citizen on Naboo to becoming the most feared Sith Lord in Star Wars. Palpatine’s descent to the dark side is a tragic tale, and it ended with him committing an unspeakable act to become a Sith.  Palpatine discovered the Sith Doctrine and believed its claim …

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You may find it ironic that even if a Sith’s endgame is to become the most powerful Force-sensitive being in the galaxy, they still take apprentices. Despite a Sith Lord’s desire for more power, the Sith Order’s survival comes before their own interests.  Sith Lords wanted apprentices who craved power, ensuring the Sith Order continually …

Read More about Why Would a Sith Want an Apprentice?

There is no specific size for a lightsaber hilt’s length and width. For example, Yoda’s lightsaber hilt was substantially smaller, given his size. On the other end of the spectrum, Count Dooku’s famed curved hilt was slightly longer, which best fit his fighting style.  Lightsaber hilts vary in length, width, and weight, depending on the …

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If you watched Revenge of the Sith, odds are, you probably want to know everything about Sheev Palpatine and when his training days as a Sith Lord began. If that’s the case, prepare to be mind-boggled by what this article reveals.  There is no true timetable as to when Palpatine became a Sith. But we …

Read More about Explore Palpatine’s Dark Journey from Childhood to Sith Lord

You recently discovered Star Wars, but you are unsure of the correct order to watch the saga. You conducted research and discovered The Clone Wars became Star Wars Canon since Disney took control of the franchise.  So should you watch The Clone Wars before Revenge of the Sith? The Clone Wars debuted in 2008, three …

Read More about Do I Need To Watch the Clone Wars Before Revenge of the Sith?