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Can Jedi Heal With The Force?

Can Jedi Heal With The Force?

The Force is thought to abide within all living beings, and it serves as the bonding agent among them. Naturally, some are more in tune with the Force than others. These people are known as Force-sensitives.

Being Force-sensitive in the Star Wars universe certainly has its perks. Aside from the obvious ability to connect with the Force in a way that other people can’t, there are also things known as Force Powers.

These powers are open to anyone who can use the Force regardless of their affiliation to the Force. Still, some techniques are native to the light side and some are native to the dark side.

Arguably the most important of these techniques is Force Heal. This begs the question: what is Force Heal and who can use Force Heal?

FORCE HEAL (Canon) - Star Wars Explained

Keep reading as we do a deep dive into this topic.

What is Force Heal?

Force Heal, also known as Force Healing, is almost like having a constant medic who can speed up time.

Force Healing accelerates the natural healing process so that minor injuries would not linger. What’s more, Force Healing can even be used to heal wounds that would’ve been fatal under normal circumstances.

Force healing would require a strong connection to the Force. It can still be taught to varied levels of Force Users. The only thing is there would be limitations put on what each level could do with Force Healing.

Force Healing power

More entry-level Force users need to meditate to use Force Healing because they don’t have the training required to fully grasp the Force yet. Even with meditation, regeneration times may still be relatively slow.

The higher the levels of Force, the less meditation needed to heal, and with that comes faster regeneration times.

Then there are those at the highest level of Force using. These individuals can heal major injuries in record time. Some have even been known to heal damage to the lungs, heart, and even bones.

Can Jedi Heal With The Force?

Now, this ability is open to anyone who is Force-sensitive and willing to learn the technique. This is particularly seen by Darth Vader perverting the pure nature of Force Heal to fit his dark desires.

He twisted the otherwise pure meditation to fit in with the dark side by putting all his anger and frustration into it. Shockingly it worked!

His dark side version of meditation allowed Darth Vader’s lungs to function without needing his specialized suit or hyperbaric chamber.

Darth Vader with a red lightsaber in black background

Even so, Force Healing is used mainly by light side Force users because of its inherently good nature. Therefore, a Jedi can and will be the one to use this Force Power if need be.

To that account, many Jedi healers use the Force to accurately diagnose and treat the issues their patients may have.

Which Jedi can use the Force for Healing?

One most notable high-tier user of Force Healing is Jedi Grand Master Yoda. He was so powerful that he could heal those in his vicinity with a simple wave of the hand.

Yoda Master - one of the most powerful Jedi

Then there is the case of Cilghal. She used the Force to detect and remove the nanomachines plaguing Mon Mothma. This allowed her to heal the Mothma of an otherwise incurable molecular poison.

What’s more, the use of the Force for detection and removal as opposed to directly destroying the damaged cells was safer for the patient.

Mainly because there was less risk of damaging healthy cells and causing a much bigger problem to arise.

Then there are also the Jedi: Rey Skywalker, Ben Solo, and Grogu (Baby Yoda) who were seemingly the only Jedi able to use Force Heal.


We all would like the ability to heal our loved ones, or ourselves for that matter, in an instant without having to go to the hospital. Especially in places where healthcare is paid for out of pocket.

This is essentially what Force Healing is.

With how amazing Force Healing is, the Star Wars communities have been understandably buzzing with questions.

Of course, some questions pop up more often than others. So without further ado, let’s get right into the answer.

Why couldn’t Anakin use the Force to save Padme?

One of the most commonly asked questions is why on earth didn’t Anakin Skywalker use Force Healing to Save Padme.

Well, there are a wide array of answers to this. One of the major ones was that Anakin made his shift to the dark side before Padme needed to be healed.

Anakin Skywalker with the shadow of his dark side of the Force

Even before that shift, the entire premise behind Force Healing is meditation. Jedi meditation requires a clear mind devoid of all negative emotions and thoughts.

Anakin’s personality was nowhere near this. He was quite the opposite and usually opted to rebel against every rule in the Jedi Code he could.

If he was like this, on the whole, he was still a Jedi, when he shifted to the dark side he would have been far worse. So much so that he became the lord of the dark side, Darth Vader.

Before he fully embraced the darkness and became Darth Vader, his mind was in disarray. It was filled with pain, rage, hatred, grief, and worry for Padme.

Anakin was in no frame of mind to use Force Healing.


Force Healing grants individuals a golden opportunity for extended life. It helps them to rid their comrades of ailments that would have killed them in normal circumstances.

Although this Force Power is technically open to all Force users, once they put in the work, it is mainly used by the Jedi.

Even so, it was originally thought that the Jedi could not use Force Healing because it was not fully introduced to the franchise until the New Jedi Order was formed. That’s when we finally began to see a few, but still noteworthy, Jedi using Force heal.

Because Force Healing requires a clear mind and meditation to have the level of the Force needed, the Jedi are the best bet to have these circumstances. After all, they have been training since day one to fit those criteria.

This is why Anakin Skywalker could not use Force Healing to save Padme, as he was in no mental state to do so.

That, in and of itself, is a sad fact as his love for Padme and not wanting her to ever die was one of the factors that made the switch to the dark side.