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Can Only Jedi Use The Force?

Can Only Jedi Use The Force?

A Jedi’s greatest weapon is not a blaster or even a lightsaber; it’s the Force. As old Ben Kenobi once said, “The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It’s an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.”

The Force is what gives a Jedi his power

Throughout the Star Wars series we see wise Jedi masters show a more focused dedication to the Force, as opposed to a violent focus on lightsabers and warfare. This serves as a reminder that the Jedi aren’t just warriors; they’re an elite religious sect devoted to studying the force and their pursuit of peace.

Since Jedi wield the light side of the Force and the Sith wield the dark side, does that mean that all Force-sensitive beings are either Jedi or Sith? What is the full spectrum of the force? Can only Jedi use the Force?

To give a quick answer, Jedi are not the only ones who can use the Force. Jedi, Sith and all Force-sensitive beings can use the force in varying degrees.

Does this make the Force sound confusing? Read more below to see who can use the Force and how it influences their lives.

Do you need to be a Jedi to use the Force?

No. A person must be Force-sensitive to become a Jedi, not the other way around. The Force is created by life itself, and it manifests itself in mysterious ways. 

The Force can be found in beings as small as infants, and it is a crucial part in determining which younglings will train as Jedi. As Qui Gon Gin explained in The Phantom Menace, Midi-Chlorians are the evidence of a being’s Force-potential. 

The Six Levels of Midichlorians Density

The Jedi believed that midi-chlorians were in all living cells, and the number of midi-chlorians could determine how clearly someone could communicate with the Force. This gives evidence of some potential Force-usage before training to be a Jedi.

We also see examples of people who weren’t Jedi using the Force or showing evidence of Force-sensitivity. Maybe the best (or worst) example is Princess Leia in The Last Jedi. 

This scene caused quite a controversy in the Star Wars fandom, and hardcore Star Wars fans have very strong opinions about it. However, it is still part of the Star Wars canon, and can’t be ignored.

In the scene, we see Leia use the Force to move from the vacuum of space back to the safety of her spaceship. The sequels give some evidence of Luke training her as a Jedi after the original trilogy, but there are still examples of her Force-sensitivity before any kind of training.

We see Leia show Force-sensitivity in the original trilogy in her connection with Luke. Her Force senses act as more of a clairvoyance than a combat-based ability. She can communicate and understand people without speaking and sense things that aren’t known to others.

These abilities are not the direct response to any training. She was born with them and was able to use, or at least experience the Force without ever trying.

Leia Organa flies in space

Can Jedi use the Force on other Jedi?

The answer to this is a bit more complicated than a simple yes or no. Jedi can use the Force on other people the same as they use the Force on opponents, the Sith, and inanimate objects. We see plenty of examples of Jedi using the Force to fight battles against droids and the Sith, often in a defensive context. 

Jedi Force-Sensitives

However, we don’t see any examples of Jedi using the Force against each other in the movies. This is mostly because Jedi live in harmony with the light side of the Force, using it for the peace and prosperity of all living things.

Jedi use the force for good, and using the Force to attack another Jedi would inherently be an act of the dark side of the Force. However, using the Force to defend another Jedi, possibly by moving them out of the way of an attack, could be an act of the light side of the Force.

Perhaps another question would be, if a Jedi used the Force against another Jedi, would they be acting as a Jedi or a Sith? The only difference between Jedi and Sith is their obedience to a certain side of the Force. Aside from that, their abilities are extremely similar.

If a Jedi were to use the Force on another Jedi to protect them or help them, it is possible for them to rightly use the light side of the Force. However, if a Jedi used the Force to attack another Jedi, they would be harnessing the dark side of the Force and taking a step towards becoming a Sith. 

That being said, nothing is stopping a Jedi from using the Force on anyone or anything, except for their own conscience and their obedience to the Force. For a Jedi to follow the will of the light side of the Force, they must only use it for good.

Harnessing the power of the Force does not mean that a Jedi is inherently good. The dark side of the Force is always looming, and as Master Yoda said, “fear is the path to the dark side.” 

Fear is the path to the Dark Side

Why can’t Jedi always use the Force?

In Star Wars, we sometimes see examples of Jedi struggling to use the Force. This can either be because of a lack of ability, lack of communication with the Force, physical distractions, lack of belief in the Force, mental distractions, and more.

Though the Force is a supernatural effect, it requires concentration and faith. Those skeptical of its power fail to use it. Those who are masters of the Force, never doubt it’s power.

We see this when Luke fails to lift his X-wing out of the swamp in The Empire Strikes Back. Luke then gets frustrated and gives up. To his surprise, Yoda lifts the x-wing out of the swamp and teaches Luke a very valuable lesson about the power of the Force.

Empire Strikes Back Yoda training Luke part 3 "Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try." (HD)

As a student, Luke frequently shows frustration and a lack of faith in the Force, claiming certain tasks are impossible. However, after he sees the power Yoda wields and the dedication required to use it, he becomes a true believer in its power.

Can Non Force-Sensitives Use the Force?

No. We never see any people wield the Force without evidence of being Force-sensitive. We do see people discover evidence of the Force or commit certain Force acts on accident, but this just points to a sensitivity to the Force. 

Using the Force without Force-sensitivity is impossible. It’s also a paradox. To use the Force means that the person has Force-sensitivity. The act itself is evidence.


Though the Force remains a mystery, there are still plenty of examples we can look to in the Star Wars movies to understand its power. The Jedi are masters of communicating with the Force, but the Force’s abilities are available to those sensitive to it.

The light side of the Force and the dark side of the Force can both be used in battle, but the spirit of the Force remains the same. It binds all living things together, requiring neither attack nor defense. It is up to those who wield it to determine which side they will serve and use the powers gifted to them.