Money is something that we all need. It helps us afford the necessities of life like food, shelter, and clothing. Money is also needed for comfort items to make our everyday lives on this earth more cheerful. There’s no doubt that the residents of the Star Wars universe have the same need for money. Those …
Jabba the Hutt and his extended family of Hutts are known as powerful crime lords. Jabba controlled the illegal activities of Tatooine and surrounding Outer Rim areas, while other Hutts held similar reigns of wealth and power. How did the Hutts get so powerful, rich, and protected? Criminal activities are partially responsible, but manipulation and …
The famous Star Wars opening crawl, “A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…” conjures up a distant fantasy world setting. We may assume the story takes place in a different, very far-off galaxy from our own, perhaps billions of years ago. Yet, the Star Wars galaxy could be closer to us than …
The Death Star was one of the most innovative aspects of the first Star Wars movie. Its immense size made it as large as a moon. That’s what Han Solo thought it was until Obi-Wan Kenobi corrected him and said, “That’s no moon.” Audiences were greeted with a second Death Star in Star Wars Episode …
Princess Leia Organa (together with Han Solo) gave birth to Ben Solo. With parents like these, it’s no wonder that Ben began his life as a part of the Jedi Order. As a result of Princess Leia Organa’s blood coursing through his veins, Ben Solo was a powerhouse. He possessed such strength in the Force …
Darth Vader is one of the most well-known villains throughout cinematic history and landing the role of playing this villain is no easy feat. You need to have serious acting chops and meet the size and height requirements to fill out Darth Vader’s iconic suit. Below we take a look at the top 10 actors …
In a central scene from Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, Obi-Wan Kenobi negotiates with Han Solo for a flight on the Millenium Falcon from Tatooine to Alderaan. The cost shifts between 10,000 and 17,000 credits. As Luke Skywalker protests, the first figure is enough to buy his own spaceship. Star Wars thus uses …
One trait that most warriors in the galaxy have is their piloting skills. Once selected to be a part of their respective side’s defensive forces, an individual is taught how to pilot a ship. There are a plethora of great pilots who have graced our screens with their presence. Most notable among them is Anakin …
Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens introduced a new deadly weapon. The Starkiller base is capable of destroying entire planets. Sounds like the Death Star, but the Starkiller base can wipe out entire star systems. The first Death Star from Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope destroyed the planet Alderaan. The Starkiller base …
With the return of Hayden Christiansen as Darth Vader in the new Disney+ series Kenobi, it seems as if the franchise is breathing new life into the previously deceased character. This has made fans wonder if Disney will launch a new Vader-centered movie soon. Darth Vader is, in many ways, the centerpiece of the first …