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It’s not that the Jedi don’t use blasters; they will in times of great need, such as during the Rebellion Period in the Original Trilogy. Therefore, the lightsaber is their chosen weapon because it’s an extension of themselves.  Blasters also don’t fit with a Jedi’s calling, which is to serve as peacekeepers and advisors. They …

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There are many things Jedi cannot do, one of which involves becoming a senator. However, Jedi, through the Council of Reconciliation, can work as diplomats or ambassadors, closely aligning themselves with senators and the Republic’s political affairs.  A Star Wars senator represents their home world in the Galactic Republic, receiving appointments through planetary leaders. Jedi …

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Jedi, like any living being, have feelings. However, the Jedi Code states, “There is no emotion, there is peace.” Therefore, the Jedi, given their code and strict upbringings in the Jedi Temple, it’s safe to say that Jedi learn to control their feelings, and appear emotionless.  Jedi are allowed to have emotions, as shown several …

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Jedi Code forbids Jedi from using Force lightning because to conjure it, one must seek strength that would put them in danger of falling to the Dark Side. However, some Jedi can create electrical judgment and other Force lightning-like powers, such as electrical judgment.  Jedi cannot use Force lightning because of the power it requires. …

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While it appears all Jedi fight right-handed given their stance during lightsaber duels, the possibility exists that some are left-handed. This topic has received little attention throughout the fandom, but we can point to a few clues to discover which Jedi favor their left hand.  There are few known left-handed Jedi besides Luke Skywalker and …

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