In the extensive history of science fiction, there are few weapons that live up to the iconic lightsaber. Lightsabers are the elegant and powerful weapons seen in many of the epic duels in the Star Wars universe. Watching lightsaber battles is stimulating in itself. But learning exactly what lightsabers are and how they work is …
The Jedi are a powerful and memorable aspect of the Star Wars film series. We may think of their use of the Force or lightsaber fighting as indicators of their strengths and abilities. We can still see Yoda levitating Luke’s X-Wing fighter out of the swamps of Dagobah. Or, we may think of Luke Skywalker …
But while so much has gone into taking lightsabers apart and detailing all they are and all they can do, little attention is focused on the unique sound these weapons make. This sound is light, energy, and power all at once. It is interesting to note where it came from and other facts surrounding it.
In our world, plasma is known to produce heat in the temperature range between 8000°C and 25,000°C, so it’s pretty safe to assume that the temperature of a lightsaber’s plasma blade falls within that range.
Lightsabers are arguably one of the most fascinating and iconic aspects of the Star Wars franchise. Built by Jedi and wielded by Force-sensitive beings throughout the galaxy, lightsabers can tell us a lot about their user’s unique connection to the Force. This uniqueness, in fact, is part of why there are so many different lightsaber …
A dad posted his son’s tough question: ”Can a lightsaber cut through Captain America’s shield?”
The post even prompted responses from both Mark Hamill and Chris Evans, each providing his take on it.
As hardcore fans of both universes, here’s our extensive research on the issue.