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Do Sith Use Mind Tricks?

Do Sith Use Mind Tricks?

There’s no question that the Force users of the galaxy have an advantage over the non-Force-sensitive beings. This is because those that are trained in using the force have access to special techniques.

Given that the force is split between the light and dark sides of the force, many of the techniques are also split. Therefore, there are Force powers that are native to the light side of the Force and powers that are more partial to the dark side. 

However, just because one force power was created by one side of the Force, does not mean that the other side can’t use it as well. Take, for instance, the Force Choke. Although this is a Sith power, there have been some Jedi that have used this power. 

This begs the question, can the Sith use mind tricks even though it’s a Jedi technique? Keep reading as we answer this question and more.

Can the Sith Read Minds?

The ability to read minds is woven into telepathy. By definition, telepathy is the ability to communicate thoughts without the use of the five senses. And this is exactly how mind reading works. 

Because telepathy involves communication, it also involves listening in on someone else’s thoughts. 

In theory, any Force user can read minds because telepathy uses the Force as a vessel for communication. Even if they are Sith. 

So long as they can sense the force within the individual they wish to contact, then technically anyone can read minds. 

Being the doers of darkness that they are, the Sith developed a far more intense and corrupt version of mind reading. That being the Mind Probe. 

What Mind Probing does is allow the Sith to sense the emotions, thoughts, and even memories of their target. Mind Probe is so powerful that the Sith could use it to filter through the minds of their victims to get the information they want. 

Do Sith Use Mind Tricks?

the Sith and Mind Trick

Apart from Mind Probe, there are a surprising number of force techniques that involve the alteration of a person’s mind. For example, Animal Bond and the infamous Jedi Mind Trick. 

Often done to avoid confrontation, the Jedi Mind Trick allows for the manipulation of an individual’s mind to the point where they would be susceptible to any suggestion the Jedi would make. From there, that person is now at the will of the Jedi. 

Although it is theoretically possible for a Sith to use mind tricks, they don’t, apart from Mind Probe. This is largely because the Sith aren’t bound by the same moral convictions as the Jedi. 

The Sith’s thirst for ultimate power is fueled by their hatred and rage. Therefore, they would have no problem using violence against a non-force user to get what they want. 

Where the Jedi would take a softer approach like using the Mind Trick to avoid violence, the Sith do not need to waste their energy on this. 

Can Darth Vader Use Mind Tricks?

The GREATEST Mind Trick That Darth Vader PULLED OFF(CANON) - Star Wars Comics Explained

As a Force user, Darth Vader can certainly use mind tricks if he wants to. 

Darth Vader started off as the Jedi Anakin Skywalker. Therefore he has been trained in all the Jedi Force powers, including the Jedi Mind Trick. A skill that stayed with him when he made his journey to the dark side. 

Naturally, when he made the switch to the dark side, Darth Vader used his powers for evil instead of good. 

One of the most impressive instances of this is when he used his mind tricks to force Cylo’s sentient ship to steer itself into the sun, effectively obliterating it.

Can a Jedi be Mind-Tricked? 

impossible to use a mind trick on a Jedi

The way Jedi Mind Tricks work is by allowing the Force user to infiltrate the mind of a weak-willed individual. 

These were usually non-Force users who did not have a strong grasp on their minds. Mostly because it would be far more difficult to enter a Force user’s mind, especially another Jedi. 

First and foremost, the Jedi’s presence of the Force means that they can detect if someone is attempting to enter their minds. Setting that aside, the Jedi have arguably the strongest self-control in the galaxy. 

From the minute they begin training to become Jedi Knights, they enter into consistent meditation to learn how to control every aspect of themselves, their minds included. 

It would be nearly impossible to use a mind trick on a Jedi unless the act was carried out by an exceptionally strong Force user.

Are Mind Tricks the Dark Side? 

Contrary to popular belief, mind tricks aren’t a dark side force power, apart from Mind Probe, of course. 

In fact, the vast majority of mind tricks were born on the light side as a way for the Jedi to complete their missions without the need for combat or force. 

Why Were Jedi Allowed to Use Mind Tricks on the Weak?

This may seem a bit controversial as the Jedi are all about peace, yet they invade the minds of weak-minded people and get them to do the Jedi’s bidding without their knowledge. 

Still, this was done with the individual’s best interest in mind. As much of an invasion of personal space and privacy as the mind tricks are, the Jedi used them so they could avoid casualties in their fight against the dark side. 


As we can see, the ability to read minds is something that any Force user in the galaxy could use if they wanted to. Where things get slightly more complicated is when it comes to the mind tricks that extend beyond telepathy.

There are some techniques, such as Mind Probe, that were conceived by the dark side, but the vast majority of mind tricks were developed by light-side Force users. Still, this does not mean that the Sith or other dark-side users could not learn these techniques if they wanted to. 

In particular, the Jedi mind trick was the most notorious technique that allowed the Jedi to successfully complete their missions without hurting innocent people. 

The Sith did not care about who they hurt in their quest for power, so they did not waste their talents on using mind tricks.