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How High Can A Jedi Jump?

How High Can A Jedi Jump?

The most popular answer is 4.6 meters, but using the Force means you can jump in any direction you want. And a certain green Jedi does it very well in the prequel trilogy. 

When people talk about jumping, they usually refer to jumping up, but there are also many times when someone has to jump down. (And sometimes jumping across something because you can or don’t have time to go around).

How Come Jedi Can Jump So High?

Force, Jedi height, and species are the lore-based answers here. But if you look behind the scenes, most Force jumps, (also known as Force leap), are due to computer graphics.

Star Wars Jedi Jumps

There aren’t any Force jumps in A New Hope, (1977), and episode two has the most Force jumps in any of the films. Force jumping is one of the more basic skills in a Jedi’s arsenal. 

Not only is it good to have in combat situations, but using the Force to help you get around is very handy. Some are better than others and Luke Skywalker made excellent use of this skill during his duel against Darth Vader in Cloud City. 

How High Can A Jedi Jump?

It depends on the Jedi. How high are they trying to go, how much they weigh, and how well can they use the Force.

The average humanoid Jedi can reach around 4.6 meters in height. But Yoda looks like he’d be able to do more since he can jump around his opponents with ease.


Let me be clear, I’m not a physicist or an expert in this field. I’m a nerd with too much time on my hands and access to the internet.

I’m staying away from the video games on this one. If we’re  going by jumping up, then the main thing we need to concern ourselves with is gravity.

Because gravity will fight you every time you jump regardless of the Force. Speed and how long you can stay in the air matter, but I’m not going to bore you with math.

Some Jedi have reached 7.2 meters but this is a normal deviation. (One must never ignore adrenaline and fight or flight, as this will help anyone do more jumps in a battle).

Can Jedi Die From Falling From So High?

A Jedi falling

Yes! Look before you leap applies to Jedi just as much as you and me, (of course, Obi-Wan Kenobi makes it look easy).

Fall damage is a common thing in video games, and it’s there to teach us a lesson. Falling is bad, but thankfully there are ways to avoid death.

We see lots of Jedi doing jumps in the prequels, and Obi-Wan Kenobi seems to enjoy dropping down among his enemies with his meme trademark, “Hello there!” The average drop a human can survive is roughly 20,000 feet.

Using the Force, it’s safe to assume a Jedi can survive anywhere between twice and perhaps five times. But this would only work if the Jedi remained conscious. 

As the Force relies on the user’s intent, should the Jedi pass out, the Force would no longer  slow their descent. (There are debates about whether or not you can pass out during a fall).

How Do Jedi Jump?

The same way we do, they just have the Force flow through their body to help them break the laws of physics. (Which is cheating but it looks cool, so we can forgive it).

Jedi learn how to jump way back in their youngling phase. They practice jumping over a three-meter crossway.

The youngest would also have safety repuls or lifts to help them in case they couldn’t land on their own. Learning how to jump is more than being able to reach other platforms, or getting around an obstacle.

You must also learn how to stick the landing or dodge roll. Which is why younglings learn acrobatics as well.


Being flexible without relying on the Force increases one’s chances of surviving falls. (Although Yoda proves otherwise, Yoda is Yoda and should not be copied unless you’re half his age and roughly his height).

Other Points Of Interest

There’s been a debate about why Darth Vader failed to catch Luke after cutting off his hand, and revealing the truth about their relationship. Besides being a dramatic way to end the film, it’s believed that Darth Vader was shocked that his son would choose death over joining him.

Yoda is the master of jumping and one of the greatest actors in the films, (he fooled everyone into thinking he’s a weak, odd-speaking old man).

In Conclusion

Being able to jump far and high is a very valuable skill. A Jedi can use it in multiple ways but should never rely completely on it, as there are ways this can backfire.

And some Jedi should never be challenged to a jumping contest. Thank you for reading, and may the Force be with you.