Padawans serve as the middling rank in the Jedi Order, after that of a Youngling and before that of a Knight. With few exceptions, Padawan training takes years to complete. And given the actual rarity of achieving the rank, it is seen as a great honor to become one. Padawans often train for at least …
In terms of someone granting her the title: no. But, she’s more than proved herself to be equal and superior to many Jedi Knights. And in an unexpected (and sadly not seen on screen), the Bendu from Star Wars: Rebels calls her a former Jedi Knight. This scene would have occurred right before Ahsoka Tano …
The Force was an energetic field that has been created by all living organisms in the galaxy. The Force is the thing that flows through all living things, bonds them together, allows them to be more in tune with the universe at large. Given that the Force was created by life, then it’s safe to …
All Jedi become one with the Force upon death. But, there are some (and some Sith), that find a way to come back stronger than ever. (And they love to troll the ones left behind)! Despite their amazing abilities, Jedi, Sith, and every Force user remain mortal. The Jedi tend to accept this gracefully as …
The Force was created by all living beings in the Star Wars universe. By extension, the Force is the essence of life throughout the galaxy. Whether you’re a part of the Galactic Republic or the Galactic Empire, the Force serves as a bonding agent amongst the galaxy’s inhabitants. It’s the thing that connects people to …
Rey Skywalker personifies balance with the Force, given her Palpatine lineage and her new surname. If Rey were to train more Jedi, evidence exists that her version of the Jedi Order will differ from the Order we became accustomed to in the Prequel Trilogy. Rey could rebuild the Jedi Order, given the parallels of her …
Grandmaster Yoda. Teacher of many. Avatar of Light. (Troll). Old guy that steals food and then complains about how it tastes. He’s one of Star Wars greatest mysteries and that’s how George Lucas likes it. We may never fully understand him. But we can put the pieces together to gain lore from canon and legends. …
No matter which galaxy you live in, tattoos are both an art and a story, with many being earned through combat, bravery, or a rite of passage like becoming an adult. Despite the Jedi living like monks and wanting to sever ties to family, there are a few Jedi who get tattoos due to their …
This is a tricky one because the term, Gray Jedi is often used to describe Jedi who completed their training, but for various reasons don’t obey the Jedi High Council. Qui-Gon Jinn has been called a Gray Jedi, but no one would consider him to be bad, just stubborn. Who Are Gray Jedi? The term …
If there is one name in Star Wars whose meaning epitomizes a character, it’s Yoda. The name’s meaning fits Yoda’s persona and role within Star Wars. But here’s some fun trivia: he was almost given another name that appeared in early drafts of The Empire Strikes Back. Yoda is derived from two words, Yoddha and …