Duel-wielding is both cooler and a lot harder than using a single lightsaber, or any fighting style that involves using both hands. And though we’ve seen both Jedi and Sith use this style, (first appearance, Episode 2), not many seem to use it. From a historical standpoint, your dominant hand is meant for striking while …
Are you tired of asking the same question over and over again? Who Ordered the Clone Army? It is one of the biggest puzzles in Star Wars prequels. Okay, well, maybe it’s not that big of a mystery, but it can still be fun to learn the details behind how they were created. Let’s explore …
Jediism’s roots may lie in the fictional Star Wars Universe. However, many fans and even those looking to develop their personal relationship with a higher power have adopted the Jedi way of life as a real religion. Some governments see Jedi as a real religion, given its tax-exempt status in the United States. Others, like …
Ever since Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, audiences have thought that Leia had Force powers. This movie hints that Luke Skywalker is her brother. In the next movie, Return of the Jedi, this sibling connection is confirmed. By family connection then, we realize Leia is in touch with the Force. Moreover, Princess-turned-General …
In Star Wars Canon and Legends, we meet several Jedi Masters, one of the rarest ranks in the Jedi Order. Despite the rarity of the Jedi Master, they could rise even higher in the Order, to ranks even fewer Jedi achieved. Seven ranks existed in the Jedi hierarchy, with the Council Member, Grand Master, and …
From the days of the first people to our current economy, there has always been a figurehead that ruled every organization. Whether it be the prime minister, president, mayor, principal, or even just the head of a household, there is always someone or a group of people in charge. The Star Wars universe is no …
Baby Yoda first appeared in The Mandalorian as a sidekick to Din Djarin, who claimed he kept the young Force-sensitive around for luck.The duo traveled throughout the galaxy, searching for remaining Jedi before they eventually stumbled upon Ahsoka Tano. Ahsoka refused to train Baby Yoda. And her wisdom played a key role in her refusal …
Despite living for over 800 years and maintaining youthful athleticism in the Prequel Trilogy, Yoda looked as though he aged another century when The Empire Strikes Back rolled around. But did Yoda age quickly, or was age already catching up to him before Order 66? Yoda’s species naturally live to an older age. His ability …
Yoda wasn’t just the Jedi’s most talented member during his time. He was also one of the oldest Force-sensitive beings in Star Wars Canon. Yoda’s exact age of when he died remains speculative, but given the clues he left in the Original Trilogy, reputable sources like The Dark Side of the Force and Wookieepedia settle …
The Jedi and the Sith are the two major groups that almost exclusively use lightsabers. However, they’re not the only beings in the galaxy allowed to wield and use them. There have been numerous times non-Force-sensitive beings used these weapons, even against Jedi. The Sith wield lightsabers and not all of them have done so …