Orange is a rare color for lightsabers. Most information about it is found in legends. However, it’s also featured in the Jedi: Fallen Order, which is considered canon. Only one character and a specific group were seen with a lightsaber of this color. If you’re familiar with the lore, lightsaber colors represent something about the …
The Jedi are a powerful and memorable aspect of the Star Wars film series. We may think of their use of the Force or lightsaber fighting as indicators of their strengths and abilities. We can still see Yoda levitating Luke’s X-Wing fighter out of the swamps of Dagobah. Or, we may think of Luke Skywalker …
In our world, plasma is known to produce heat in the temperature range between 8000°C and 25,000°C, so it’s pretty safe to assume that the temperature of a lightsaber’s plasma blade falls within that range.